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Welcome to the latest edition of the CEF Building Blocks Bulletin.

With exceptional measures throughout Europe - and beyond - set to stay in place a while longer, everyone at the CEF team hopes you are well and adapting to new working methods with minimum disruption.

In this edition, we have exciting news for European SMEs, a new release and updates on the current CEF call for proposals for CEF eID and eSignature (€3 million). You have until 12 May to submit a proposal for grant funding to help reuse eTranslation (€4 million), Blockchain (€3 million) and eDelivery (€0.9 million).

You can also see our upcoming webinars for eArchiving, Big Data Test Infrastructure and Context Broker. Each of these webinars is part of a wider series, so feel free to register for as many as you like.

As ever, it is your stories that really demonstrate how - together - we're interconnecting Europe's digital ecosystem, even under such exceptional circumstances. Please let us know how you've been connecting Europe.

Wishing you and your loved ones good health,

The CEF Digital team

Success Stories / Policy
CEF eTranslation open to Europe's SMEs

This means SMEs can now translate any document or plain text in an easy, free and secure way in more than 24 languages. Are you ready to use it? / siete pronti a usarlo? /készen áll a használatára? / Sind Sie bereit, es zu benutzen?

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CEF eID & eSignature grants open

A Call for proposals for the CEF eID and eSignature Building Blocks is now open until 20 May 2020. This call provides a total of €3 million to build an authentication and trust service ecosystem based on the eIDAS Regulation.

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ICYMI: CEF Telecom eID & eSignature info day presentation now available

INEA has published a recording explaining the strategic objectives of CEF funding for eID and eSignature, as well as some tips-and-tricks on how to apply successfully.

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Technical update
CEF Big Data Test Infrastructure release 1.3.0: improved security and storage

This new v1.3.0. release of the test infrastructure adds new features to the platform regarding storage and security facilities.

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New Look CEF Digital

The team behind the CEF Digital platform have reworked the CEF Digital site to improve its user experience. We hope you enjoy it!

Check it out


CEF BDTI Webinar: How can BDTI empower public administrations to use their data? 14/04

You'll learn how BDTI can help you make sense of the data available through your city's information systems, and make the right decisions to improve the public services you offer to your citizens.

Register now

CEF eArchiving Webinar: Preserving digital geospatial records, 23/04

This is an interactive, live webinar where you can learn about geospatial data and its role in organisations.

Register now

Recording: 2020-1 CEF Telecom call Virtual Info Day

Don't panic if you missed INEA's virtual info day on the current CEF call for proposals. The videos are online. This call offers support for eTranslation (€4 million), Blockchain (€3 million), eDelivery (€0.9 million) and eID & eSignature (€3 million).

View the recordings

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