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Hello everyone!

This edition's highlights include an analysis of how eInvoicing – with the benefit of a European standard - reduces costs, administrative burdens and boosts cross-border trade. We also look at how blockchain has the potential to radically change cross-border activity in Europe - from applying to an oversee university to starting your first company #EBSI can change this forever. To see the vision, check out our new EBSI video.

Between editions of this bulletin, please keep an eye on our success stories and uptake monitoring dashboard to see what's going on.

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The CEF Digital Team

Success Stories / Policy
Saint-Quentin uses Context Broker to address concerns about the use of water in the city’s green spaces

CEF Context Broker is an indispensable tool for medium-sized cities to develop new services on a budget for high impact and end-user satisfaction.

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Fostering Innovative Procurement: eInvoicing Benefits Analysis

This benefits analysis clearly outlines how some Member States take advantage of eInvoicing respecting the European standard, work on-going and where improvements in workflow can be made.

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Watch: How will Blockchain Connect Europe?

This video looks at how has the potential to permeate our daily lives, economic activity and public services at large!

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ICYMI: CORDIS Results Pack on Digital government

The results demonstrate that eGovernment needs innovations such as digital building blocks, digital-by-default’, ‘usercentricity’ and ‘once-only’.

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Technical update
Dutch AS4 Energy Market Profile available in English

Back in September, the Dutch energy sector formally approved a specification of AS4 (eDelivery) as communication protocol in the Dutch national energy market. You can now access this profile in English.

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Open & interactive webinar: Sub-central level eInvoicing implementation, 16/12 2019

Europe's experts will be sharing their hands-on experience regarding implementation of the eInvoicing Directive and the European standard at the regional and local level. It's been a big year for eInvoicing. Ahead of the 18 April 2020 legal deadline, don't miss this opportunity!



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