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Volume #35

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Hello everyone!

Welcome to the latest news from the Building Blocks. As more and more services and process go digital, there is a common need to ensure security and trust in the use of on-line services across borders. The CEF Building Blocks are technical enablers, which help governments and administrations build citizen-centric digital services across borders, fostering trust and security in the on-line world.  

Between editions of this bulletin, please keep an eye on our events calendar, the latest newssuccess stories and uptake monitoring dashboard to see what's going on.

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The CEF Digital Team

Success Stories / Policy
eTranslation amongst top ranking engines in a competition with over 150 other machine translation systems

eTranslation achieved very good results in all featured translation categories, including French to German, Russian to English, English to German and English to Lithuanian.

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CEF eTranslation really is one in a million

On 10 October 2019, the CEF eTranslation Building Block delivered over a million (1 059 855) translated pages in a single day!

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Emanuele Baldacci presents EU reusable solutions at eFörvaltningsdagarna 2019, in Stockholm

Mr Baldacci explained that one of the European Commission’s key priorities is building a Europe fit for the digital age, providing the opportunity for governments – at all levels – to better serve their people.

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OpenPEPPOL Community Meeting - towards adoption of data exchange AS4 profile

During the ‘OpenPEPPOL Community F2F Meetings’ on 15-16 October 2019, the European Commission presented the value of the AS4 message-exchange profile, which is currently being implemented in the OpenPEPPOL network.

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European Blockchain Services Infrastructure – Now and Tomorrow (Report)

This report provides insights into the state of blockchain technology and highlights EU-level strategies on how to take advantage of blockchain, notably the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI).

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Technical update
Release of the eIDAS Technical Specifications v 1.2

This update notably concerns the use of non-notified eID schemes, identification of relying parties, fixes in attributes profiles and cryptographic requirements and improvements in metadata handling.

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Meet eArchiving, 03-04/12, Brussels

This event offers the unique opportunity to learn how eArchiving can be used beyond traditional archives and how to overcome implementation challenges. We will show you how eArchiving can help you ensure that access to data remains secure, predictable and why it is a cornerstone of the Digital Single Market.

Register here

eTranslation Workshop: Terminology in Language Technology, 29/11, Brussels

Understanding terminology is very important in various scenarios, such as authoring, translation and searching databases. In multilingual scenarios, selecting the proper translation for a term is an additional challenge.

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4th ELRC Conference, 26-27/11, Helsinki

This event will focus on shaping Europe’s multilingual future through the sharing of language data.

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CEF Context Broker at the FIWARE Global Summit 2019, 23-24/10, Berlin

On 24 October 2019, a dedicated workshop "Ready to digitalise Smart Services for Public Administration" will address the benefits of the building blocks and how the CEF Context Broker facilitates the development of smart solutions

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