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Volume #29

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Hello everyone!

The second call for proposals for CEF grant funding - of up to €24 million - is now open, running until 14 November 2019. CEF funding supports projects of common interest that improve the daily life of citizens, businesses and public administrations and contribute to the development of a Digital Single Market. It does this by deploying digital infrastructures across the EU.

On 10 July, the 2019-2 CEF Telecom call virtual Info Day took place, covering the six priorities of the 2019 CEF Telecom Calls. Questions received during the event were answered immediately, and written replies will be available on the FAQ pageafter the event.

As ever, keep an eye on our events calendar and the CEF Monitoring Dashboard and we'll be back soon with another CEF Building Blocks Bulletin.

If you want to get in touch with us, just reply to this email.

Kind regards,

The CEF Digital Team

2019-2 CEF Telecom call for proposals are open

CEF offers co-funding to stimulate and support the deployment of European Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs) in the areas of Public Open Data, Cybersecurity, eHealth, eProcurement, e-Justice and the European Platform for Digital Skills and Jobs. This call includes funding for the CEF Context Broker Building Block, within the Public Open Data call.

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CEF eSignature TLManager “Non-EU”: Spreading the benefits of secure electronic signatures

The TL-Manager "non-EU" helps countries outside the EU and EEA - or international organisations - wishing to issue trusted lists in accordance with European standards. Compliance with these standards fosters the mutual recognition of trust service providers (e.g. providers of certificates for electronic signatures) listed in trusted lists with European trust service providers.

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Context Broker at the APIdays in Helsinki

The workshop follows the launch of of the APIs4Dgov study and brought together API experts from the public and private sector. The APIdays are a leading conference series on the benefits of using APIs. Participants exchanged experiences on the development of the latest API solutions. The CEF Context Broker is an API that can integrate data from multiple systems, creating a holistic view of information.

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CEF eDelivery at International Data Spaces Association Summit 2019

CEF eDelivery is expanding successfully into a large and growing number of sectors. As its use increases, its application areas diversify. The International Data Spaces Association aims to bring together business and research organisations to take an active part in designing a trustworthy architecture for the data economy. In June 2019, the IDSA held its second summit in Frankfurt. The CEF eDelivery team participated to learn more about IDSA and to the use cases and pilots in which the architecture is being used.

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Save the Date: 4th ELRC Conference

On 26-27 November 2019, the 4th ELRC Conference will focus on shaping Europe’s multilingual future through the sharing of language data. It will include a variety of interesting talks and panel discussions that provide a critical analysis of challenges the CEF affiliated countries are currently facing with regard to sharing and using language data.

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eTranslation Workshop: AI & Speech Technology

The eTranslation team warmly invite you to the "AI & Speech Technology" workshop on 15 October 2019.

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eTranslation Workshop: Terminology in Language Technology

The eTranslation team warmly invite you to the "Terminology in Language Technology" on 29 November 2019.

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CEF Context Broker webinar series

If you want to extend your know-how on how you can manage your context information, the Context Broker team invites you to join the various of trainings and learn how to integrate the Context Broker services and knowledge into your IT department.

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Digital Excellence Forum @ ICT Proposers' Day 2019

On 19-20 September 2019, this event will provide an excellent opportunity to present and discuss the main policy drivers of the digital transformation of European industry and society - including the CEF Building Blocks.

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