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Volume #28

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Hello everyone,

In this edition, our latest Connecting Europe Success Story explores how CEF Context Broker enables the use of IoT data to predict and prevent hostile behaviour and noise pollution on the city’s biggest party street, Stratumseind, to keep the city festive and safe. We explore how the CEF Building Blocks improve citizens' user-experience when using online public services. We also look at how eInvoicing helps companies save time and money, as well as technical updates and reports from recent events!

You can also see the Q1 2019 reuse stats, showing continued uptake and reuse of the Building Blocks across Europe! 

As ever, keep an eye on our events calendar and the CEF Monitoring Dashboard and we'll be back soon with another CEF Building Blocks Bulletin. 

Kind regards,

The CEF Digital Team

Context Broker's smart services are making the city of Eindhoven a safer place

Based on five years of the Living Lab’s continuous innovation, Eindhoven now has a scalable and reusable solution (incorporating Context Broker) that can be expanded to the whole city – and even to other cities.

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Q1 2019L New figures published on the CEF Dashboard

The latest quarterly figures about the CEF Digital Service Infrastructure (DSIs), including Building Blocks, show that their adoption continued to raise in Q1 2019.

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How can Identity Matching improve the experience of citizens on online public services?

There is a growing shift from paper-based documents and procedures towards electronic records and online services in public administrations of the European Union. EU Member States have been working hard to enable citizens and businesses to access online public services using their national electronic identification solution, through eIDAS.

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Release of CEF eIDAS-Node software version 2.3

The eIDAS Network consists of a number of interconnected eIDAS nodes, which can either request or provide cross-border authentication. Release 2.3 of the eIDAS sample implementation for Member States is an all-in-one package for the Java platform and contains several improvements.

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CEF eTranslation Upgrade: eTranslation 2.7

This release is a major upgrade with significant benefits for users. Ensuring that cross-border, digital public services are multilingual is a central component of the Digital Single Market.

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Study on the evaluation of invoicing rules of Directive 2006/112/EC

The Study concluded that increased adoption of eInvoicing is the main driver for the reduction of administrative burdens for companies estimated at € 920 million in the period 2015-2017.

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New version of the EAS code list

The Electronic Address Scheme (EAS) code list contains a list of identification schemes that can be used in the eInvoicing standard. The EAS code list does not imply or recommend any particular delivery mechanism or standard.

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CEF Big Data Test Infrastructure presented at the workshop ‘Public sector data: still a missed opportunity?

One of the most important takeaways from this workshop was that Member States should take the opportunity offered by the CEF Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) Building Block, which allows users to experiment with big data.

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Romanian Presidency 2019: European Archivist Group and CEF eArchiving meeting

The EAG decided to establish an EAG subgroup to produce guidance on 'archiving by design'. The Building Block programme will support their work in the future.

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2019-2 CEF Telecom call Virtual Info Day

The 2019-2 CEF Telecom call virtual Info Day will take place on Wednesday 10 July 2019 and will cover six priorities of the 2019 CEF Telecom Calls which will open on 4 July 2019.

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Context Broker BDTI Webinar 9 July 2019, 10:00 - 12:00 (CET)

Context Broker and BDTI can help you make sense of the data available through your city's information systems, and make the right decisions to improve the public services you offer to your citizens.

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