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Volume #26

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Hello everyone,

Following the closure of the first CEF call for proposals in 2019, we’re happy to say that projects all over Europe requested €28 million. CEF eTranslation, for example, received requests totalling more than double the amount of funding available (almost €8.2m requested out of €4m)!

So, what are the next steps? The proposals are evaluated (June-August), the CEF Committee consulted (September), the European Parliament informed (October) and successful proposals selected (October). You can see the breakdown of the funding requests for each Building Block and a detailed timeline in the article below.

In this edition we have another Connecting Europe Success Story, which will tell us how eDelivery is changing logistics for the better - and for good! We also take stock of the status of eIDAS in Europe, hear the latest from CEF webinars and an update on eInvoicing code lists.

As ever, keep an eye on our events calendar and the CEF Monitoring Dashboard and we'll be back soon with another CEF Building Blocks Bulletin. 

Kind regards,

The CEF Digital Team

How eDelivery is changing logistics for the better and for good

After a successful message exchange pilot, Portuguese port administrations chose eDelivery as their preferred means for communication.

Read the Success Story

Nearly €28 million requested for CEF Telecom projects

The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) received 49 project proposals by the 14 May deadline for the 2019-1 CEF Telecom call, requesting nearly €28 million in total EU funding (the total available budget for the call is €19,2 million).

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eIDAS is flourishing

European cooperation enabling the mutual recognition of eID schemes across borders is moving at pace during the spring of 2019, and brings encouraging numbers.

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CEF eDelivery webinar for users of EUDAMED

Over 290 participants attended this webinar, which included a dedicated hand-on session for a limited group of participants, provided guidance on how to send AS4 messages.

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CEF eArchiving Geopreservation Conference highlights & recording

The event brought together producers of geospatial information, archives, data repositories and solution providers to discuss various geopreservation topics.

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Upgrade to EAS and VATEX eInvoicing code lists

On 15 June 2019, the European Commission will publish updated versions of the EAS and VATEX code lists. Requests for change may be submitted at any time. Requests for change made by 31 May 2019 will be included in the 15 June 2019 update. Requests received after the deadline will be processed for next versions later this year.

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Learn how to integrate near real-time data through CEF Context Broker trainings

If you want to extend your know-how on how you can manage your context information, join our set of trainings and learn how to integrate the Context Broker services and knowledge into your IT department. See the available dates, topics and agendas on the registration page.

Register here

The ‘Once-Only’ & Business Registers workshop

On 5 June 2019, in Tallinn, The Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP) in collaboration with the European Business Registry Association (EBRA) 2019 Conference are organising the ‘Once-Only’ & Business Registers workshop.

Register here

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