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Decentralised Autonomous Organisations

Shall we talk about DAOs? This acronym that stands for 'Decentralised Autonomous Organisations' which are member-owned communities without centralised leadership [...]

date:  29/04/2022

DAOs are an effective and safe way of cooperation for people with similar interests around the globe. An internet-native business that's collectively owned and managed by its members, managing authority through the approval of the group. Decisions taken are supported by proposals and a voting system to ensure everyone in the organisation has a voice. Cooperative actions that involve funding and money require a lot of trust in the peers involved, with DAOs you don’t need trust anymore: The DAO’s code is 100% transparent and verifiable by anyone, opening up so many new opportunities for global collaboration and coordination.

If you are curious about the limits of these new organisations, there are plenty of examples in early 2022. From Spice DAO , which managed to buy a rare copy of Jodorowsky's 'Dune' for $3 Million, allegedly with the misguided idea that owning the book would also grant them the rights to its content. To BlockbusterDAO, who targeted the defunct movie rental business Blockbuster in order to create a decentralised video streaming service out of it, or even to the already famous Ape pictures.

Even in the American National Football League, the Denver Broncos team sale was of interest to a group of crypto enthusiasts, they tried to raise more than $4 billion using a DAO, to make the club their own. The main creator behind the initiative told CBNC that his ultimate goal was to open up peoples' eyes to what a DAO can achieve in the real world and make a tangible connection between this web3 life and the real world (wondering what web3 is? See here).

The state of Wyoming is paving the way for DAOs, which can now to incorporated as legal entities, similar to a regular company, in that, people or entities are responsible for the upkeep and management of the organisation. If you would like to know more about if, more information and even the official act of the state of Wyoming can be found here.

If you are interested in this new type of organisations, a few frameworks are already available for people to quickly spin up a DAO with no efforts or technical knowledge. Most famous examples are Aragon and DaoHaus (both DAOs themselves).

The future of DAOs is bright and it's not yet clear how they will evolve and impact the world as we know it. The rise of DAOs is clearly visible and they will certainly play an increasing role in the collaboration of geographically decentralised teams, allowing for the creation and the management of organisations in a way we have not yet seen.