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Invitation CB 2

date:  25/03/2020

14.4 | 23.4 | 04.06 | 18.06   

Webinar series



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CEF’s Context Broker and BDTI teams have prepared a webinar series to help you leverage your data and become smarter cities!

The Context Broker is a standard-based API allowing users to collect, integrate and contextualise data in real time. It is often used by cities to track actions in real-time and then make real-time decisions.

BDTI is a free testing infrastructure offering virtual environment templates to explore and experiment with various data sources, software tools and big data techniques. For up to 6 months, any European public administration can use our big data test environment for free. We set up your data environment for you so you can focus your energy on gathering knowledge, insight and value from your data. 



Are these webinars for me?

If you’re a municipality or public administration eager to learn more about using data to make smarter decisions, then yes, these webinars are for you! 

Feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues who might be interested! 


We look forward to meeting you.

Kind regards,

The CEF Context Broker and BDTI teams