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Dear blockchain enthusiasts,

date:  20/12/2019

The European Commission invites all interested market parties to participate in the open market consultation for its upcoming European Blockchain Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). The PCP is looking for novel blockchain solutions for the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure. The open market consultation offers a unique opportunity to provide feedback on the scope of the future PCP and to be involved in and co-create the future development of EU-wide blockchain solutions.

All the related information is available here:

The open market consultation will be organised in English in the form of several activities:

  • Webinar on 14/01/20, starting at 15h00. Please register here before 12/01/20 for the webinar.
  • Open Market Consultation Event on the 11/03/2020 in Brussels, Belgium.
  • Individual face-to-face meetings with the European Commission in the week of 11/03/20 in Brussels, Belgium.

Should you have any question, feel free to contact the responsible team.

Kind regards,

The CEF Digital team