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Technical update

date:  24/10/2019


On 1 October 2019, the EBSI development started in a structured agile process. The developers are developing components of the infrastructure. In addition, the Member States, together with the European Commission, are working on defining some final specification details.

Concerning the EBSI infrastructure we have successfully completed:

  • The implementation of a five-node EBSI stack development network of the Ethereum protocol;
  • The launch of test transactions of data on the development environment to validate it;
  • The implementation of additional aspects of the infrastructure including:
    • One of the two off-chain storage options being implemented for EBSI 1, which is Mongo DB for local stack state and other stack related storage;
    • Distributed storage.

The next steps are to implement the Hyperledger protocol and to configure the network elements.

Concerning the application of use cases:

  • We are working on the first interfaces for the protocols towards applications. In parallel, we have started working on the first two common applications: the EBSI wallet and notarisation components. Further use case application flows will be implemented;
  • The team has set up a repository, which will be the method of distribution of the code for participating Member States, with a clear alignment to the stack architecture;
  • The Design Architecture Group (DAG) controls the developmental requirements. The DAG is composed of the convenors of the use cases and key technology experts. Depending on needs and project advancement, architects and additional experts from the use cases shall participate to the DAG meetings.