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Dear colleague, 

This short edition of our Newsletter is to promote the upcoming events to the community.

Do not miss the upocoming online training "Citizen Engagement in Policy Makin" and answer our survey!

We hope you can join us in March!


The Competence Centre Team

Call to action
Register now for the upcoming online training "Citizen Engagement in Policy Making"

We want to hear from you! Support the Community of Practice and fill up our survey

Call for nominations - knowledge valorisation

Upcoming Events
Meet the Competence Centre on Participatory & Deliberative Democracy

The next ‘Meet the Competence Centre!’ will be held on March 27, 2023. The Competence Centre is happy to meet members of the Community of Practice or to address specific questions concerning citizen engagement from 2 pm to 5 pm CET. If interested, book your 30 minutes slot!

Join the final event of the Helios project

We are happy to announce that the final event of the Helios – An Healthy Mind in an Healthy Ecosystem project will be held in Verona on Saturday March 18, 10:30-12:15, kindly hosted by the University of Verona. Highlights of the project as well as its outcomes will be presented, with the participation of local citizens that joined the research process! The event will be held in Italian / L'evento si terrà in italiano.


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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023 © European Union, 2023

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ISSN: 2600-3244 Catalogue number: KJ-BR-23-002-EN-N.



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Catalogue Number: KJ-BR-23-002-EN-N