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European Commission
ENRD Newsletter
January 2017
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EU Rural Review 23 now online

Issue 23 of the ‘EU Rural Review’ - the ENRD’s main thematic publication - has been published on the topic of ‘Green Economy - Opportunities for Rural Europe’. It explores some of the ways in which social and environmental sustainability can go together with economic growth in Europe’s rural areas.

The publication examines how the Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) can support aspects of the green economy, such as the move to a low-carbon economy and more sustainable production. It also looks at practical aspects of green economy projects and how cooperation can help.

The publication was informed by ENRD thematic work on ‘Transition to the Green Economy’, which will also feature an up-coming EAFRD Projects Brochure.

For subscriptions to ENRD publications please write to subscribe@enrd.eu.

CAP Consultation to launch on 2 February

The consultation on the Future of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – including Rural Development policy - will be launched on 2 February 2017.

The announcement by Phil Hogan, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, came during the Commissioner’s presence at International Green Week in Berlin. He confirmed “Our aim is to look ways how to modernise and simplify the CAP. I am well aware of the complexity of our policy and I am dedicated to making the CAP simpler.”

Rural Connections latest edition now in six languages

The autumn 2016 edition of the ENRD’s networking magazine ‘Rural Connections’ is now available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish on the ENRD website.

This edition gives special attention to the discussions and outcomes of the Cork 2.0 European Conference on Rural Development of September 2016 and the resulting Cork 2.0 Declaration. The magazine also provides its regular range of news and updates, and stakeholder perspective pieces. Send your contributions for the Spring 2017 edition to editor@enrd.eu.

New materials on use of Financial Instruments

A case study on the first rural development Financial Instrument (FI) in Europe and the initial findings of a feasibility study on market-responsive FIs supported by the EAFRD form part of a range of new information materials on designing and implementing Financial Instruments (FIs).

Produced by the advisory platform fi-compass, the materials cover FIs under the Rural Development (EAFRD), Fisheries (EMFF), Regional Development (ERDF) and Social (ESF) Funds. They include a set of 13 case studies examining the use of loans, guarantees and equity investments under the four funds and a summary report of progress in setting up FIs across Europe 2014-2015.

Additional materials including an ex-ante assessment manual and case studies explore how FIs can be used to support energy efficiency and the shift towards a low-carbon economy.

ENRD social inclusion activities

Several initiatives around social inclusion and demography in rural areas are coming together to explore further joint actions and cooperation at an ENRD social inclusion workshop on 9 February 2017.

The workshop will take place in Brussels and be structured around existing ‘hubs of activity’ amongst network members on the themes of: women; migrants and refugees; youth; Roma; and the role of arts and culture in promoting social inclusion. You can register to attend here.

New EU funding for broadband infrastructure

A new Connecting Europe Broadband Fund intends to invest in broadband infrastructure across under-served areas of Europe. It was announced in December 2016 by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank.

The new EU Fund will lead to an investment platform combining private and public resources to finance smaller-scale, higher-risk broadband projects across Europe – many of which are likely be in rural areas. The new Fund will aim to invest in seven to 12 projects between its operational launch in mid-2017 and 2021.

Funding for promotion of EU farm products

The European Commission has launched calls for projects aimed at promoting European agricultural products on both the EU and third country markets.

The calls seek to finance multi-annual promotion campaigns to find new markets for European agricultural products. The deadline for submitting proposals is 20 April 2017. Find out more about these calls and the type of actions they support.

ENRD resource efficiency thematic work

A 2nd Thematic Group (TG) meeting has helped define the main areas of interest for improving implementation of the Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) to better support the resource-efficient rural economy.

The group considered the extent to which a motivation gap, a policy gap or an implementation gap was the main obstacle to be overcome in various areas of activity. The group’s contributions will now guide screening and analysis of the RDPs and the identification of good practice examples in the field. Keep up to date via the thematic webpage.

Strengthening EU fight against food waste

With one third of the food produced globally being wasted or lost, a new report by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) has concluded that further action is needed at EU level to improve the resource efficiency of the food supply chain.

The report examines EU policies and instruments to reduce food waste and argues that the EU should strengthen and better coordinate its various policy instruments to minimise environmental and economic costs. The report in available in 23 European languages.

New research projects target European farming

Two new projects funded under the EU’s research programme Horizon 2020 will work to improve the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) through new and smart digital technologies.

The RECAP project will develop a digital platform for the delivery of public services and monitoring of CAP obligations targeted at Paying Agencies, agricultural consultants and farmers. The ‘Internet of Food and Farm 2020’ project will work to accelerate the adoption of ‘Internet of Things’ to strengthen the competitiveness of European farming and food chains.

Agri-Food Smart Specialisation Platform up and running

The new Agri-Food Smart Specialisation (S3) Platform has launched an open call for expressions of interest from EU regions and Member States to propose topics for setting up and co-leading new regional partnerships on agri-food topics.

The first group of partnerships formally joined the Agri-Food S3 Platform at the kick-off event in Florence, Italy, 6-7 December 2016. The event also saw presentations of interesting pilot projects in agri-food smart specialisation, including on ‘traceability and big data’ in Andalusia (Spain) and on ‘high-tech farming’ in Tuscany (Italy).

Responsible agricultural supply chains

A recent OECD - FAO publication provides guidance to businesses all along agricultural supply chains on ways to ensure their actions contribute to sustainable development.

The guidance applies from input supply to production and retailing, and addresses issues such as: food security, health and safety; environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources; governance; and technology and innovation. It is available in English, French and German.

27 January 2017
100 Projects for the Antwerp Countryside, Westerlo, Belgium
31 January 2017
Promotion of Agricultural Products, Brussels, Belgium
9 February 2017
ENRD Workshop on Social Inclusion, Brussels, Belgium
13 February 2017
Creating Impacts with Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition, The Hague, the Netherlands
14 February 2017
Villages and Small Towns as Catalysts for Rural Development, Brussels, Belgium
15 - 17 February 2017
Sustainable Tourism for Rural Development, Bergamo, Italy
16 February 2017
New Economy Models and Social Innovation: an Opportunity for a Better Europe, Brussels, Belgium
21 February 2017
LEADER/CLLD Sub-group, Brussels, Belgium
22 February 2017
ENRD Workshop on ‘Extending LEADER Innovation’, Brussels, Belgium
26 February - 2 March 2017
International Trade Fair for Agriculture and Livestock, Paris-Nord Villepinte, France
28 February 2017
Farm-Oriented Open Data in Europe, Brussels, Belgium
28 February 2017
Rural Health Conference, London, UK
3 March 2017
Innovation Road, Rochefort, Belgium
15 - 17 March 2017
7th NRNs’ Meeting, Azores, Portugal
16 - 19 March 2017
Food Science, Lisbon, Portugal
22 - 23 March 2017
The Rural Summit, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
28 March 2017
Forum for the Future of Agriculture 2017, Brussels, Belgium
18 - 19 April 2017
International Conference ‘The Role of Women in Mountain Regions’, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria
8 - 11 May 2017
Global Food Innovation Summit, Milano, Italy
9 - 10 May 2017
Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture, Utrecht, The Netherlands
9 - 11 May 2017
LINC Conference 2017, Vianden, Luxembourg
29 May - 2 June 2017
EU Green Week, Brussels, Belgium
22 June 2017
Agroforestry 2017: Improving Productivity for Farmers and Foresters, Cranfield, UK
12 - 19 August 2017
European Rural Youth Forum 2017, Berlin, Germany
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