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The winner of the #EUSolidarityCorps social media photo competition has been announced!

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date:  07/06/2017

Luisa Piemontese is the winner of a photo competition held on the European Youth Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as the official European Solidarity Corps Facebook page which asked applicants to describe what solidarity means to them. Photo entries featured a variety of depictions of "solidarity", ranging from cooperation & solidarity between cultures, team spirit in sport, helping animals in need, solidarity with people with disabilities and public gatherings showing solidarity for a common cause.

Out of 250 submissions, 9 finalists were put to a public vote over the course of a week. After 1104 votes cast, Luisa received the winning number. Luisa's photo shows of herself volunteering with children from a more disadvantaged background, accompanied with the caption:

"Solidarietà è aiutare gli altri con amore e semplicità. Non è una questione di superiorità, ma di sostenersi l'un l'altro nelle difficoltà." ("Solidarity is to help others with love and simplicity. It is not a matter of superiority, but to support each other in the difficulties.")

You can see the winning entry here.

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