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Partner up for the EURegionsWeek 2019! Regions and Cities, pillars of the EU's future

Preparations for the 17th European Week of Regions and Cities are officially launched today with a kick-off meeting at the European Committee of the Regions. More than 150 partners are expected to participate. Follow our kick-off meeting live at 11:00 TODAY Join us online through web-streaming! After a broad online consultation (2 634 respondents), the emerging 3 top themes for 2019 edition are: The Future of the EU and the roles of Regions and Cities, A Europe Closer to Citizens, A greener Europe In light of these main issues, the European Committee of the Regions and the European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy are now looking for event partners. Are you interested? Visit the 'Become an Event Partner' section of the 2019 website, read through the guide for partners and the guide for regional partnerships and apply no later than March 29th.