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Registration opens today!

date:  26/08/2020

Dear all,


We would like to inform you that the registration to this year's European Week of Regions and Cities is now open!


This year, the #EURegionsWeek will spread over three consecutive weeks in October, from 5th to 22nd.


There are more than 500 working sessions for you to discover, covering various topics along the thematic priorities Empowering Citizens, Cohesion and Cooperation and Green Europe.


Due to the security measures and sanitary situation caused by the COVID-19, this year will be the first ever fully digital EURegionsWeek.


What does it mean in details:


-  all sessions will be organised virtually with no physical audience (limited physical presence of speakers for sessions requiring interpreting);


-  the Key sessions of the EURegionsWeek 2020 – Political Opening, Political Closing, Citizens Dialogues and High level debates will be streamed and broadcasted live;


- Exhibitions will be replaced by virtual interactive exhibitions where you will still have the opportunity to be inspired by interesting projects and associated pitches.


Visit the event website to discover the programme of this year and to register virtually to your favourite sessions.


The registration is open from 27 August to 27 September 2020.


See you online in October!


EURegionsWeek team