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Call for pledges to close the cyber skills gap in Europe!

The Cybersecurity Skills Academy needs you! We are calling all organisations to make a pledge to close the cyber skills gap in Europe. We have already received pledges from ISC² and NVIDIA for the Cybersecurity Skills Academy.

European Commission
European Commission

date:  20/04/2023

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Pledges on Cyber Skills

There are already several pledges on cybersecurity in the Pledges section of the Digital Skills & Jobs Platform.

Recently, we have received pledges from ISC² and NVIDIA for the Cybersecurity Skills Academy.

However, specific pledges to the Cybersecurity skills Academy must meet three conditions to be considered under the Academy:

  • To comply with the general requirements for pledges of the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform.
  • Explain, in addition, the planned or achieved impact of the pledge regarding one or more of the six following objectives in line with the aims of the Academy:
    - Increase the number of persons with cybersecurity skills in the EU.  
    - Increase the diversity of persons with cybersecurity skills, notably the share of women. 
    Align the offer and demand of cybersecurity skills on the labour market, thus reducing gaps in some needed skills. 
    - Provide the skills needed to meet cybersecurity legal and policy requirements at EU level (e.g. the NIS2 Directive, the DORA Regulation, and the proposed Cyber Resilience Act) or national level. 
    - Improve visibility and synergies between public and private initiatives on cybersecurity skills. 
    - Improve comparability, quality assurance and certification of cybersecurity skills. 
  • To update the pledge at least every 6 months, indicating what has been achieved during that time regarding the six objectives above and, if applicable, updating or revising the pledge. Moreover, Member States are encouraged to integrate cybersecurity skills in their national strategies.

Currently, there are already two pledges that joined the Cybersecurity Skills Academy: (ISC)² and NVIDIA, but many more are coming!

Join the effort to close the cyber skills gap in Europe: submit your pledge and join the Cybersecurity Skills Academy!