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Report: EU- JP- US- Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Week for the Indo-Pacific Region

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Industrial Cyber Security Center of Excellence (ICSCoE) under the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA*), in collaboration with the European Commission (Directorate-General for Communications, Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT)), the government of the United States (Department of Homeland Security/ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (DHS/CISA), Department of State (DOS) and Department of Energy (DOE), and Idaho National Laboratory (INL)) and hosted JP-US-EU Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Week (24-28 October 2022, Hybrid).

Japanese Cybersecurity Expert

date:  31/10/2022

Cybersecurity measures are ineffective when implemented independently by a single organization or a single country. To fight the growing threats due to digitalisation and interconnectedness, particularly intensified by the coronavirus crisis and geopolitical tensions, cooperation with like-minded countries is indispensable. This is why, last year, the EU has joined officially this annual ICS cybersecurity exercise, launched in 2018 by Japan under collaboration with the U.S. with the aims of enhancing cybersecurity capacity of the Indo-Pacific region and reinforcing collaboration with respective countries.

The ICS cybersecurity week arranged for participants from the Indo-Pacific region (OT/IT cybersecurity experts from critical infrastructure operators, cybersecurity experts from national CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Team), and policy experts from relevant ministries/authorities).

The one-week program provided the participants with unique and valuable opportunities to remotely conduct hands-on training, to learn through cybersecurity related seminars includes current trends such as ransomware and cyber incidents by experts from Japan, the EU, and the U.S.. That was a precious occasion for participants to acquire knowledge and to enhance capabilities on cybersecurity.

The program also contributed to establishing a common understanding on ICS cybersecurity and strengthening relationships between the Indo-Pacific region and Japan, the EU and the U.S. that will become a foundation for further international cooperation to jointly address the growing cybersecurity threats. 

European Commission was represented by Ms Lorena BOIX ALONSO, Director for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity in Directorate-General for Communications Networks,  Content and Technology, who made an opening speech. Ms Raluca Stefanuc, Team Leader in Unit responsible for Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy was a pannelist in a policy session moderated by Ms Karolina Kozłowska, Policy Officer from the same unit. 


This initiative is gaining in importance, especially in the view of the Japan-EU Digital Partnership concluded by the EU and Japan during the 28th EU-Japan Summit held in May this year in Tokyo. Cooperation in cybersecurity domain is explicitly mentioned in the bilateral agreement. Both sides recognise the importance of promoting cybersecurity information sharing and committed to continue organization of the trilateral Industrial Control System Cyber Security training in the future.