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CyberSec4Europe is delighted to announce the agenda for its unmissable two-day event, Momentum!, on 1 and 2 December at the Representation of the State of Hessen in central Brussels.

Yellow text: Momentum!

date:  16/11/2022

Our keynote speakers will share their visions and expectations for the coming years from the perspectives of technology, industry, politics and cyber war and its social impact. They include:

  • Mario Campolargo, Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation, Government of Portugal
  • Oliver Väärtnõu, CEO, Cybernetica AS
  • Professor Bart Preneel, Head of Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC), KU Leuven

The conference also includes an evening social event, featuring a keynote and special guest speakers sharing their thoughts and discussing, 'Cybersecurity in Europe: Past, Present and Future.'

We are honoured to have the following keynote and guest speakers:


  • Ievgen Vladimirov, General Director, International Cybersecurity University, Kyiv

Guest speakers:

  • Tamara Tafra, Minister Counsellor, Cyber issues, hybrid threats and disinformation, Permanent Representation of Croatia to the European Union
  • Wojciech Wiewiórowski, European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
  • Katarzyna Prusak – Górniak, Head of Digital Affairs Unit in Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU, Deputy Chair of the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre Governing Board
  • Miguel González-Sancho, Head of Cybersecurity Technology and Capacity Building, DG CONNECT, European Commission
  • Cláudio Teixeira, Legal Officer – Digital and Consumer Rights, The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)

Another highlight of the event will be the demonstration of six shortlisted project 'key exploitable and innovative results' which an independent jury will then review. In addition, our work leaders will showcase their achievements on governance to standardisation, from blueprint research to skills training and also share their visions for the future in each of these areas.

All in all, this will be a memorable opportunity to discover what we have learnt and understand our vision for the way forward for the European cybersecurity community.

The event webspace is

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