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Report: Post-Quantum Cryptography: Anticipating Threats and Preparing the Future

The new report published by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) explores the necessity to design new cryptographic protocols and integrate post-quantum systems into existing protocols.

0-1 code in the background with a title Post-Quantum Cryptography. Integrated Study

date:  20/10/2022

The document includes a number of technical recommendations such as:

  • Developing guidelines for major use cases to assess the different trade-offs and systems best matching application scenarios;
  • New protocols or major changes in existing protocols should be PQC aware, taking into account the integration needs of PQC systems;
  • The use of a hybrid systems which could translate into a post-quantum cryptography added as an extra layer to pre-quantum cryptography.


The full report can be downloaded out of charge.