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Proposal for the EU Cyber Resilience Act is out!

Today, the Commission has presented a proposal for a new Cyber Resilience Act to protect consumers and businesses from products with inadequate security features. A first ever EU-wide legislation of its kind, it introduces mandatory cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements, throughout their whole lifecycle.

CRA protects EU citizens and business
European Commission

date:  15/09/2022

The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) introduces common cybersecurity rules for manufacturers and developers of products with digital elements, covering both hardware and software. It will ensure that wired and wireless products that are connected to the internet and software placed on the EU market are more secure and that manufacturers remain responsible for cybersecurity throughout a product’s life cycle. It will also allow the customers of these products to be properly informed about the cybersecurity of the products they buy and use.

The Cyber Resilience Act will bring significant benefits to the various stakeholders. Businesses will have to comply with one single set of cybersecurity rules across the European Union. The Act will reduce the number of cybersecurity incidents and with this, the cost of incident handling and reputational damage for companies. As such, it would increase trust by consumers and business customers, and thus demand for products with digital elements, both within and outside the EU.

At the same time, consumers and users will enjoy more information when choosing a product with digital elements and clearer instructions about its use. As a result of fewer security risks and incidents, consumers and citizens will benefit from better protection of fundamental rights, such as data and privacy protection.

The Cyber Resilience Act also has the potential to become an international point of reference, beyond the EU’s internal market. EU standards based on the Act will facilitate its implementation and will be an asset for the EU cybersecurity industry in global markets.


For more detailed information on CRA, refer to the official press release.


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