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Call for Action: Making Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) Work for SMEs

The European Digital SME Alliance is launching a campaign to collect your input on a potential reform of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) licensing in Europe.

Logo: European Digital SME Alliance + Stars
European Digital SME Alliance

date:  17/11/2022

For this purpose, Digital SME is kicking off three simultaneous actions:

  • A partnership with the European Commission to gather your testimonies in a short, anonymous survey on how the regulation could better cater to the interests and needs of SMEs. Deadline for submission is 20 November.  
  • A series of bilateral meetings with interested members of community who may wish to share their experience in a more informal manner.
  • A public engagement campaign on Twitter and LinkedIn where you can help spread the word.

The European-wide network of companies is encouraged to take part in this participatory process by referring to the dedicated page on the DIGITAL SME website.