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CyberSec4Europe event: What can Member States expect from their cybersecurity communities?

Participating in this CyberSec4Europe evening panel are leading representatives from several NCCs as well as a representative from the ECCC who will together explore the perspectives of the NCCs and their expectations and plans with regards to collaborating with their respective stakeholder cybersecurity communities.

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date:  15/09/2022

With the setting up of the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) in Bucharest well under way, the other important dimension in the emerging European cybersecurity landscape are the National Coordination Centres (NCCs). Mirroring the initiatives and policies of the ECCC in the Member States, a key role for each NCC is to build strong relationships with the existing and emerging stakeholder communities, the experts and researchers in industry, SMEs and knowledge institutes that are driving the work of securing European society’s institutions, infrastructure and digital economy. 

Understanding the needs of local communities is a paramount task for the NCCs. 

The event will take place on Thursday, 15 September 2022 at 18:30-20:30 in the Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU, rue Montoyer 21, Brussels.

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