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Source document:
SCENIHR (2010)

Summary & Details:
Media Consulta

Tobacco Additives

1. Introduction

Cigarettes induce dependency in many users. Additives, and design features of the product, may make them more attractive, or more addictive, or both.

The Tobacco Products Directive (2001/37/EC) provides for EU Member States to regulate tobacco products to protect public health. This can include the prohibition of ingredients which increase the addictiveness of tobacco products.

The same Directive invited the Commission to consider providing a list of ingredients authorised for tobacco products. The European Parliament has also asked the Commission to propose how to evaluate and authorise additives, and to ban additives that enhance addiction.

This report responds to a request to contribute to a better understanding of the criteria for evaluating additives, of the role of additives in tobacco products, and of how design of such products can affect attractiveness and addictiveness.


The GreenFacts Three-Level Structure used to communicate this SCENIHR Opinion is copyrighted by Cogeneris SPRL.