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Sunbeds home
Source document:
SCCP (2006)

Summary & Details:
GreenFacts (2007)

Sunbeds& UV Radiation


Sunbeds & UV Radiation links

  1. Factual links

    Some of the websites providing reliable scientific information on Sunbeds :

    • 1.1 Institutions addressing sunbeds
    • 1.2 Q&As about artificial tanning
    • 1.3 Other websites for the non-specialist on sunbeds
  2. Other Views

1. Factual links

1.1 Institutions addressing sunbeds
1.2 Q&As about artificial tanning
1.3 Other websites for the non-specialist on sunbeds

2. Other Views

Several sunbed industrial associations emphasize the health benefits of using a sunbed while minimizing the risks:

The Three-Level Structure used to communicate this SCCP Opinion is copyrighted by GreenFacts asbl/vzw