Logo della Commissione europea


Numero 156, 9 Luglio 2015


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Edizione speciale - Comitati scientifici

La bellezza non è solo una questione di pelle, ma i prodotti cosmetici sì!

a cura del dr. Qasim Chaudhry, vicepresidente del comitato scientifico della sicurezza dei consumatori e presidente del gruppo di lavoro sui nanomateriali nei prodotti cosmetici

a cura del dr. Qasim Chaudhry, vicepresidente del comitato scientifico della sicurezza dei consumatori e presidente del gruppo di lavoro sui nanomateriali nei prodotti cosmetici

Recentemente la Commissione europea ha chiesto al comitato scientifico indipendente della sicurezza dei consumatori (CSSC) di formulare un parere sulla sicurezza della silice in nanoforma, della silice idratata e delle silici modificate in superficie, come la silica silylate e la silica dimethyl silylate. Questi nanomateriali vengono utilizzati in prodotti cosmetici da applicare o sciacquare per capelli, pelle, labbra, viso e unghie.

La Commissione si rivolge al CSSC quando emergono rischi per la salute e sicurezza in generi di consumo non alimentare, tra cui cosmetici e altri ingredienti. L'uso dei nan [...]

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Opinions adopted 

The most recent opinions adopted are the following 


Opinion on Synthetic Biology II - risk assessment methodologies and safety aspects  »


Addendum to the scientific Opinion on the safety of oxidative hair dye substances and hydrogen peroxide in products to colour eyelashes  »

The fragrance ingredients Tagetes minuta and T. patula extracts and essential oils (phototoxicity only) (Abstract)  »

Cetylpyridinium chloride - Submission II  »

Opinion on β-arbutin  »

Dichloromethane Submission IV  »

Revision of 25 March 2015 ADDENDUM to the SCCS Opinion on Ethyl lauroyl arginate HCl - SCCS/1519/13 COLIPA n° P95  »

Silica, Hydrated Silica, and Silica Surface Modified with Alkyl Silylates (nano form)  »

2,2’-Methylene-bis-(6-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol) (nano form)  »


Opinion on chromium VI in toys  »


Opinion on the safety of medical devices containing DEHP plasticized PVC or other plasticizers on neonates and other groups possibly at risk (2015 update)  »

Opinion on the safety of dental amalgam and alternative dental restoration materials for patients and users  »

Opinion on the safety of the use of bisphenol A in medical devices  »

Opinion on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)  »

 All opinions


Ongoing work 


Synthetic Biology III research priorities  »


Ingredients in hair dyes  »

Numerous Opinions have been requested concerning the safety of various ingredients in hair dyes. The full list can be found under SCCS mandates on the website of the Scientific Committees.

Vitamin A CAS n. 68-26-8 / 11103-57-4/ 116-31-4 (Retinol, Retinyl Acetate, Retinyl Palmitate; Retinyl Linoleate and Retinal)  »

Deoxyarbutin (CAS 53936-56-4 with INCI name Tetrahydropyranyloxy Phenol)  »


Estimates of the amount of toy materials ingested by children  »

Potential risks to human health and the environment from the use of calcium cyanamide as fertiliser  »


Biological effects of UV-C radiation relevant to health with particular reference to UV-C lamps  »

Biological effects of ultraviolet radiation relevant to health with particular reference to sunbeds for cosmetic purposes  »

Priority list of additives used in tobacco products  »

 All mandates


Public consultations and calls 

SCCS – Four new Opinions open for comment  »

Comments are welcome on Methylisothiazolinone (MI) (P94) - Submission III (Sensitisation only) (Deadline 1 September 2015), Phenylphenol, Sodium o-phenylphenate and Potassium o-phenylphenate Abstract SCCS/1555/15 (Deadline 21 August 2015) Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (cyclopentasiloxane, D5) in cosmetic products Abstract SCCS/1549/15 (Deadline 20 August 2015) and α-arbutin Opinion (Deadline 22 July 2015).

SCHER - Opinion on new conclusions regarding future trends of cadmium accumulation in EU arable soils  »

Open for comment through 29 July 2015.

SCENIHR – Public consultation on the preliminary opinion on the safety of surgical meshes used in urogynecological surgery  »

Deadline for comments 19 July 2015.

 All consultations



SCCS - Opinion on Silica, Hydrated Silica, and Silica Surface Modified with Alkyl Silylates (nano form)  »

SCHER - Opinion on new conclusions on future trends of cadmium accumulation in EU arable soils  »

SCENIHR - Final Opinion on the safety of medical devices containing DEHP (phthalates)  »

SCENIHR - Final Opinion - potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields  »

SCENIHR - Final Opinion and science factsheet on Synthetic Biology II - risk assessment methodologies and safety aspects  »

SCENIHR - Final Opinion on the safety of the use of bisphenol A in medical devices  »


SCCS - Plenary Meetings of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety  »

The 9th and 10th Plenary meetings of SCCS took place on 25 March and 25th June in Luxembourg. , Read the agenda and minutes of these meetings here.

SCHER - Plenary Meetings of the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks  »

The 10th, 11th and 12th Plenary meetings of SCHER took place on 25 June, 24 April and 25 June respectively. Read the agenda and minutes of these meetings here.

SCENIHR - Plenary Meetings of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks  »

The 9th, 10th and 11th Plenary meetings of SCHER took place on 27 January, 29 April and 25 June, respectively. Read the agenda and minutes of these meetings here.


Read all the 2014 Scientific Committee Opinions and memoranda on CD  »

This CD contains the Opinions and memoranda of the European Commission’s Scientific Committees on consumer safety (SCCS), on health and environmental risks (SCHER) and on emerging and newly identified health risks (SCENIHR), adopted in 2014. Opinions may also be read on-line.

Are medical devices containing DEHP-plasticized PVC or other plasticizers safe for neonates and other groups possibly at risk?  »

Is it safe to use cosmetics containing silica in nanoform? (factsheet)  »

Are dental fillings safe? Safety of dental amalgam and alternative dental restoration materials (factsheet)  »

Are toys containing chromium VI safe for children? (factsheet)  »

Bisphenol A in medical devices: Is exposure to BPA through the use of medical devices (factsheet)  »

Does electromagnetic field exposure endanger health? (factsheet)  »

Dental fillings: a concern for your health? (web summary)  »

Potential Health hazards of exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) (web summary)  »

Frequently asked questions on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (Q and A)  »

All the easy-to-read factsheets and summaries of the Scientific Committees' Opinions are available online.  »

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