Logo der Europäischen Kommission


Ausgabe 144, 15. Januar 2015

Gesundheit - EU

Ihr Portal zu vertrauenswürdigen Informationen im Bereich der öffentlichen Gesundheit

Sonderausgabe - Wissenschaftliche Ausschüsse

Wissenschaftler untersuchen Potenzial und Risiken der synthetischen Biologie

von Theo Vermeire, Leiter der Abteilung Nanotechnologie, Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz und Transport,  Zentrum für die Sicherheit von Stoffen und Produkten, Institut für öffentliche Gesundheit und Umweltschutz der Niederlande (RIVM)

von Theo Vermeire, Leiter der Abteilung Nanotechnologie, Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz und Transport, Zentrum für die Sicherheit von Stoffen und Produkten, Institut für öffentliche Gesundheit und Umweltschutz der Niederlande (RIVM)

Stellungnahmen der wissenschaftlichen Ausschüsse SCENIHR, SCHER und SCCS zur synthetischen Biologie

Aus der synthetischen Biologie (SynBio) sind bereits wichtige, marktfähige Produkte entstanden, zum Beispiel aus Hefe synthetisiertes Artemisinin und biologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe aus Zucker. Die Anwendungsgebiete der synthetischen Biologie sind vielfältig: Medizin, Materialien, Chemie, Nahrungs- und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Energie, Nachhaltigkeit, Abfallbehandlung und Sicherheit. Doch wie bei zahlreichen anderen neuen und aufkommenden Technologien gibt es auch Gegenstimmen, die zu heftigen Diskus [...]

In dieser Ausgabe

Opinions adopted » 
Ongoing work » 
Public consultations and calls » 
eNews » 
EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles » 
Meetings » 
Publications » 
Events » 
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Opinions adopted 

The most recent opinions adopted are the following 


Opinion on Basic Blue 99 Submission III (C59). This is one of many Opinions the SCCS has adopted concerning the ingredients in hair dyes and cosmetics.  »

Revision of the Opinion on Acid Orange 7 (C15)  »

Revision of the Opinion on the safety of the use of formaldehyde in nail hardeners  »

Revision of the Opinion on Hydrolysed wheat proteins - Sensitisation only  »

Revision of the Opinion on HAA299 used as a UV filter in sunscreen products  »

Revision of the Opinion for clarification of the meaning of the term "sprayable applications/products" for the nano forms of Carbon Black CI 77266, Titanium Oxide and Zinc Oxide  »

Revision of the Addendum to the SCCS's Notes of Guidance (NoG) for the Testing of Cosmetic Ingredients and their Safety Evaluation, 8th Revision  »

Memorandum on Endocrine Disruptors  »


Preliminary Opinion on chromium VI in toys  »


Final Opinion on the Safety of Metal-on-Metal joint replacements with a particular focus on hip implants  »

Preliminary Opinion on the safety of medical devices containing DEHP- plasticized PVC or other plasticizers on neonates and other groups possibly at risk (2014 update)  »

Preliminary Opinion on the safety of dental amalgam and alternative dental restoration materials for patients and users  »

Final Opinion on the Definition of Synthetic Biology I  »

Preliminary Opinion on Synthetic Biology II: Risk assessment methodologies and safety aspects  »

Final Opinion on ‘Guidance on the Determination of Potential Health Effects of Nanomaterials Used in Medical Devices’  »

 All opinions


Ongoing work 


The full list of SCCS mandates may be consulted on the Scientific Committees website.  »


Potential risks to human health and the environment from the use of calcium cyanamide as fertiliser  »

New conclusions regarding future trends of cadmium accumulation in EU arable soils  »

The full list of SCHER mandates may be consulted on the Scientific Committees website.  »


Synthetic Biology III - Research priorities  »

The safety of surgical meshes used in urogynecological surgery  »

Priority List of Additives used in Tobacco Products  »

Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)  »

The safety of the use of Bisphenol A in medical devices  »

The full list of SCENIHR mandates may be consulted on the Scientific Committees website.  »

 All mandates


Public consultations and calls 

SCCS – Three new Opinions open for comments through 30 January, 2015  »

Comments are welcome on the Addendum to the Opinion on Ethyl lauroyl arginate HCl - SCCS/1543/14, on the Opinion on Basic Blue 124 - SCCS/1542/14 and on the Revision of the Opinion on the safety of poly(hexamethylene) biguanide hydrochloride SCCS/1535/14.

SCENIHR opens Public Consultation on the Preliminary Opinion on Synthetic Biology II: Risk assessment methodologies and safety aspects through 3 February 2015  »

 All consultations



Joint Committee - Public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion on Synthetic Biology II Risk assessment methodologies and safety aspects  »

SCENIHR - Public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion on The safety of medical devices containing DEHP- plasticized PVC or other plasticizers on neonates and other groups possibly at risk  »

SCENIHR - Final opinion on the safety of Metal-on-Metal joint replacements with a particular focus on hip implants  »

SCENIHR - Newly published Opinion on definition of SynBio lays foundation for future work  »

SCHER - Public consultation on the draft Opinion on chromium VI in toys  »

SCENIHR - public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion - Guidance on the determination of potential health effects of nanomaterials used in medical devices  »

EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles 

"Downs Syndrome, prenatal test for sale: experimental and not yet approved," by Sabrina Provenzani, 2013 winner for Italy  »

The article highlights the possible risks associated with prenatal tests for Down's Syndrome.




The Inter Committee Coordination Group networks and discusses activities  »

Read the Agenda and minutes of the 16 October meeting here.

SCCS - Plenary meetings  »

The 7th and 8th Plenary meetings of SCCS took place on 23 September and 16 December 2014, respectively. Read the agenda and minutes of these meetings here.

SCHER - Plenary meetings of the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks  »

The 8th and 9th Plenary meetings of SCHER took place on 19 September and 28 November 2014, respectively. Read the agenda and minutes of these meetings here.

SCENIHR - Plenary meetings  »

The 7th and 8th Plenary meetings took place on 24-25 September and 20 November 2014, respectively. Read the agenda and minutes of these meetings here.


'Science' magazine editorial says SynBio opinions will have "substantial global impact"  »

The editorial of the prestigious magazine's January 2015 edition says that the draft Opinions by the Commission's independent Scientific Committees could have substantial impact on shaping European and global synthetic biology policy for years to come. Read the editorial here:

'The Guardian's' Science Weekly focuses on SynBio and the Commission's Opinions  »

'The Guardian's' Science Weekly podcast of 12 January 2015 mentioned and linked to the Opinions on SynBio by the European Commission's Scientific Committees. Hear the podcast here.


IDEA second Annual Review workshop (Luxembourg, 17 December 2014)  »

This workshop reported on the progress of the IDEA project about risk assessment methodologies, processes and criteria to identify fragrance allergens of concern.

GLORE Conference 2014 - Global Coordination of Research and Health Policy on RF Electromagnetic Fields (Luxembourg, 19 – 20 November 2014)  »

Delegations from Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea and the USA, composed by scientists and policy authorities met to present, discussed research activities, health risk management and risk communication on the possible effects of the electromagnetic fields (EMF) on health.

 All events


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