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Číslo 120, 12 December 2013

Zdravie - EÚ

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Osobitné vydanie - Vedecké výbory

SCENIHR: Ochrana občanov pred novými zdravotnými rizikami

Prof. Philippe Hartemann, predseda Vedeckého výboru pre vznikajúce a novoidentifikované zdravotné riziká

Prof. Philippe Hartemann, predseda Vedeckého výboru pre vznikajúce a novoidentifikované zdravotné riziká

V apríli 2013 boli na obdobie rokov 2013 až 2016 v Luxemburgu nominovaní noví členovia Vedeckého výboru pre vznikajúce a novoidentifikované zdravotné riziká (SCENIHR).


Členov výboru vybrala Európska komisia ako nezávislých odborníkov na základe výnimočných vedeckých poznatkov, a to formou verejnej výzvy na vyjadrenie záujmu. Členovia výboru musia zároveň zaručiť, že u nich neexistuje konflikt záujmov, ktorý by bránil ich členstvu. Okrem písomného vyhlásenia o akejkoľvek existencii konfliktu záujmov v okamihu menovania musia členovia výboru a externí odborníci pracujúci pre výbor SCENIHR predl [...]

V tomto vydaní

Events » 
Opinions adopted » 
Ongoing work » 
EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles » 
Public consultations and calls » 
Meetings » 
Publications » 
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Public Hearing on the preliminary opinion 'Environmental risks and indirect health effects of mercury from dental amalgam (update 2013)'  »

On 23 June 2013, the SCHER approved this preliminary opinion followed by an open consultation and a public hearing on the 6th of November. The SCHER will finalise the opinion taking into consideration the specific comments and suggestions.

IDEA project – Annual review: progress monitoring (Luxembourg, 13 December 2013)  »

This Annual Review intends to report on the progress of this project about risk assessment methodologies, processes and criteria to identify fragrance allergens of concern.

 All events


Opinions adopted 

The most recent opinions adopted are the following 


Ethyl lauroyl arginate HCl - submission IV (P95)  »

Titanium Dioxide (nano form) – SCCS/1516/13  »

SCCS/1489/12 on Zinc oxide (nano form) (S76)  »

2-Chloro-p-phenylenediamine (A8)  »

Lawsonia inermis (Henna) (C169)  »


Preliminary opinion on the safety of Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) Silicone Breast Implants (2013 update)  »

SCENIHR was requested by the Commission to update the previous opinion on the Safety of PIP Silicone Breast Implants adopted in February 2012. On 25 September 2013, the preliminary opinion (update 2013) was adopted, followed by an open consultation which will end on 3 January.

 All opinions


Ongoing work 


Nanomaterial in cosmetic ingredients  »

Silica (nano) CAS n.l 12945-52-5; Hydrated Silica(nano) CAS n. 112926-00-8; Silica Sylilate CAS n. 68909-20-6; Silica Dimethyl silylate (nano) CAS n. 68611-44-9, Carbon black nano (Colorants)

Fragrances  »

Fragrance vetiveryl acetate, Fragrance 2-(4-tert-butylbenzyl) propionaldehyde (BMHCA)

Hair dyes  »

Submission IV on Hair Dye Dispersion Red 17 (B005), Bismuth citrate, Submission 1 on Hair Dye 3-amino-2,6 dimethylphenol (CAS n. 6994-64-5), A162

Preservatives  »

Methylisothiazolinone (MI) CAS n. 2682-20-4 (P94), Cetylpyridinium chloride (P97), EcoG+ (silver in packaging)

Other cosmetic ingredients  »

Thioglycolic acid and its salts (TGA) – SCCS/1520/13, Safety of Aluminium in cosmetic products


Chromium VI in toys  »

The opinion is under preparation.


Nanosilver: safety, health and environmental effects and role in antimicrobial resistance  »

The opinion will soon be published for public consultation.

The safety of the use of Bisphenol A in medical devices - Update  »

The opinion is to be discussed for possible adoption during the next plenary of the SCENIHR (11/12/2013)

The safety of metal-on-metal joint replacements with a particular focus on hip implants  »

The opinion is to be discussed for possible adoption during the December Plenary meeting.

Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)  »

The opinion is to be discussed for possible adoption during the next plenary of SCENIHR (11/12/2013)

The safety of dental amalgam and alternative dental restoration materials for patients and users  »

This opinion is under preparation

The safety of medical devices containing DEHP-plasticized PVC or other plasticizers on neonates and other groups possibly at risk (2013 update)  »

This opinion is under preparation.

Health effects of nanomaterials used in medical devices  »

This opinion is under preparation.

Synthetic biology  »

The opinion is under preparation.

 All mandates


EU Health Prize for Journalists – Articles 

INSIGHT-In PIP implant scandal, a ragged safety net exposed, Kate Kelland, National winner 2012 for the UK  »

The article criticizes the lack of transatlantic communication and medical device regulation in Europe and recalls the PIP implant scandal as an example to justify such criticism. It also highlights the differences between the U.S. and the EU regarding the testing of medical devices.



Public consultations and calls 

A public consultation is open for the preliminary opinion on the safety of Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) Silicone Breast Implants (2013 update) until the 3rd January 2014  »

 All consultations



The third SCCS plenary meeting  »

The meeting took place in Luxembourg on 19 September 2013. Read the minutes.

SCCS working groups  »

Read the minutes for all working groups' meetings.

The third SCENIHR plenary meeting  »

The third SCENIHR plenary meeting took place on 25-26 September 2013. Read the minutes.

SCENIHR working groups  »

Read the minutes for all working groups' meetings.

The third SCHER plenary meeting  »

The third SCHER plenary meeting took place on 19 September 2013.


Mercury from dental amalgam – Fact sheet based on the opinion of the European Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER)  »

This new fact sheet summarizes the environmental risks and indirect health effects of mercury from dental amalgam.

Science made simple: new language versions of fact-sheets explaining Scientific Committees opinions  »

Science fact-sheets explaining the opinions produced by the European Commission's non-food Committees on parabens, methylene glycol, fragrance allergens, nano zinc oxide in sun screens and scanners are now also available in FR, DE and ES.

Tento spravodajca je dostupný v 23 úradných jazykoch EÚ

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