Logo Evropské komise


Číslo 115, 26. Září 2013


Spolehlivé informace o veřejném zdraví

Anti-discrimination in health

By, Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

By, Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

Jsem názoru, že všichni máme nárok na zdraví.Všichni občané by měli mít přístup ke kvalitní zdravotní péči bez ohledu na pohlaví, věk, rasu, sexuální orientaci, zdravotní stav, sociální postavení, vzdělání nebo zemi bydliště. Aby se toto stalo realitou, musíme se postavit diskriminaci v oblasti zdraví.

V loňském roce jsem se v Evropském parlamentu osobně zavázal, že budu usilovat o potírání diskriminace týkající se zdraví, a to ve všech jejích formách.

Od té doby jsem se seznámil s případy mnoha lidí, kteří se s diskriminací setkávají, kteří jsou obětmi stigmatizace, kteří mají potíže se získáv [...]

V tomto vydání

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Budoucí akce » 
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Tiskové zprávy EU » 
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Correlation II

Novinářská cena EU v oblasti zdraví - Články »

21 days, Cristian Delcea, Romanian national winner


Novinky z EU 

'Quit Smoking with Barca' campaign wins EACA EURO EFFIES Award  »

At the prize ceremony in Brussels on 18th September the  “Quit Smoking with Barça” campaign won a silver award.

World Alzheimer's Day, 21 September 2013  »

Personally speaking from Tonio Borg, Commissioner for Health.

EU Health Prize for Journalists 2013 - Last chance to enter the competition  »

Only 4 days left before the submission deadline (30 September 2013). Don't delay, submit your articles!

The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) launches new calls for tender  »

Three calls have been launched: good practices in the field of blood transfusion; competition to support tobacco policies and training packages for health professionals to improve access and quality of health services for migrants and ethnic minorities, including the Roma.

Commission call for expression of interest for the position of member for the Paediatric Committee (PDCO)  »

This call is for members and alternates representing patient associations and health professional organisations.

Request for scientific opinion from 'Expert panel on effective ways of investing in health'  »

An opinion on the assessment of the study of 'Evaluation of public-private partnerships in health care delivery across EU' has been requested.

European Medicines Agency (EMA) reshaped for the future  »

The EMA has announced details of its new organisational structure. The changes fundamentally reorganise the Agency’s operations to support better its health, public and animal missions.

Podávání zpráv z celé Evropy 

National Nutrition Action Plan (NAP.e)  [Rakousko]  »

The primary objective of the plan is to reduce overweight and obesity numbers by 2020 in infants, children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women as well as the development of tools to communicate information and empowerment.

'Managing health'- encouraging kids to become healthier adults  [Dánsko]  »

The project will run until 2016/17 and create a culture that gets students moving, and encourage them to make better healthy life choices.

Budoucí akce 

2nd International Congress of the European Milk Bank Association (EMBA), (Istanbul, 8-9 November 2013)  »

The conference entitled 'Different cultures and traditions; same milk banks?' will discuss, donor milk bank survey information, informal sharing of mothers milk and updating the EMBA map.

6th European Patients Forum (Zagreb, 28-29 October 2013)  »

This year European Patients Forum (EPF) will provide tools to the participants to advocate effectively at European and national level.

Nové publikace 

Joint actions - EU support for key public health initiatives, 2008-2011  »

Published by Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) the 20 success stories presented in this brochure illustrate the positive impact  on the health of EU citizens attained through joint actions.

Report on the Rapid Alert system for human Tissues and Cells (RATC), 2010-2012  »

The rapid alert system for human tissues and cells (RATC) system is used in parallel with existing national vigilance systems which collect and manage alerts on human tissues and cells donated and used within a Member State.

Tiskové zprávy EU 

Public consultation on the preliminary opinion on 'Environmental risks and indirect health effects of mercury from dental amalgam'  »

The European Commission and its non-food Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks SCHER have launched a consultation on the preliminary Opinion: environmental risks and indirect health effects of mercury from dental amalgam.

V příštím vydání

Mental health

Tento zpravodaj je k dispozici ve 23 úředních jazycích EU

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