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Číslo 112, 9. Červenec 2013


Spolehlivé informace o veřejném zdraví

Zvláštní vydání – Vědecké výbory

Prof. Thomas Platzek, předseda Vědeckého výboru pro bezpečnost spotřebitele

Prof. Thomas Platzek, předseda Vědeckého výboru pro bezpečnost spotřebitele

V dubnu 2013 byli v Lucemburku zvoleni noví členové Vědeckého výboru pro bezpečnost spotřebitele (SCCS) na období 2013–2016. S myšlenkou tohoto výboru přišla v roce 1968 směrnice o kosmetických prostředcích. Od té doby výbor již čtyři desetiletí poskytuje Evropské komisi vědecké poradenství týkající se bezpečnosti kosmetických výrobků a bude tomu tak i nadále. Výbor SCCS také hrál významnou roli v legislativním procesu týkajícím se nového nařízení o kosmetických přípravcích, který vstoupí v platnost v červenci 2013.

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V tomto vydání

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Opinions adopted » 
Ongoing work » 
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Other information of interest » 
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Novinářská cena EU v oblasti zdraví - Články »

A body full of life' By Kim Verhaeghe, Belgian national finalist


Opinions adopted 

The most recent opinions adopted are the following 


Addressing the new challenges for risk assessment - March 2013  »

This opinion was motivated by the perception that risk assessments as currently carried out do not inform the risk management process as well as they should.

Making risk assessment more relevant for risk management - March 2013  »

This opinion concerns the procedures used for both human and ecological risk assessment, focusing particularly on the future of risk assessment of chemicals.


Parabens used as cosmetic preservative  »

Updated request for a scientific opinion on propyl- and butylparaben - colipa P82 – SCCS/1514/13, the SCCS adopted this opinion by written procedure on 3 May 2013. It has been asked to evaluate a new developmental study performed with propylparaben and the exposure to sunscreens, especially for children below three years.

Zinc pyrithione  »

The opinion on P81, zinc pyrithione - SCCS/1512/13 was adopted during the Plenary, 18 June 2013.

Hair dyes  »

Of the opinions recently adopted the most recent opinion on C117, Hydroxyantrhraquinone-aminopropyl methyl morpholinium methosulfate - SCCS/1505/13 was adopted during  the Plenary on 18 June 2013.

Benzylidene-camphor  »

The opinion on S61, 3-Benzylidene-Camphor - SCCS/1513/13 was adopted during the plenary, 18 June 2013


Tolerable daily intake for chromium VI in toys  »

SCHER concludes that the use of nickel in parts of toys allowing the correct electric function of toys will result in a very low potential for exposure to nickel by oral and dermal intake. Thus, health risks are not expected. The SCHER adopted this opinion at its 17th plenary on 25 September 2012.

Opinion on dental amalgam  »

This opinion on environmental risks and indirect health effects of mercury from dental amalgam was adopted at the  plenary meeting on 28 June. It assesses risks that mercury releases caused by the use of dental amalgam could pose to the environment compared to risks posed by alternatives without mercury. It will be published online soon.

 All opinions


Ongoing work 


Cosmetic ingredients - on-going request for a scientific opinion  »

S86, UV filter phenylene bis diphenyltriazine, ethyl lauroyl arginate HCl (P95 - submission IV), thioglycolic acid and its salts, ecoG+ cetylpyridinium Cl (Subm II).

Hair dyes - on-going request for a scientific opinion  »

C169, lawsonia inermis (Henna), A8 (2-chloro-p-phenylenediamine), bismuth citrate.

Nanomaterial in cosmetic product - on-going request for a scientific opinion  »

ZnO revision, TiO2 (UV filter), Carbon Black, S75, .


Risk assessment - on-going request for a scientific opinion  »

The potential risks to human health and the environment from the use of calcium cyanamide as fertiliser.


Biological risks - on-going request for a scientific opinion  »

Nanosilver: safety, health and environmental effects and role in antimicrobial resistance.

Physical risks - on-going request for a scientific opinion  »

Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF).

Medical devices - on-going requests for scientific opinions  »

The safety of: Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) Silicone Breast Implants (2013 update); medical devices containing DEHP-plasticized PVC or other plasticizers on neonates and other groups possibly at risk (2013 update); the use of bisphenol A in medical devices; the safety of dental amalgam and alternative dental restoration materials for patients and users; metal-on-metal joint replacements with a particular focus on hip implants; health effects of nanomaterials used in medical devices.

Synthetic biology – on-going request for a joint scientific opinion  »

The work for this opinion has just started: read the mandate.

 All mandates


Public consultations and calls 

Are you interested in becoming an expert working for the Scientific Committees?  »

Please regularly check this section, where call for experts are published. You can also find out when public consultations are open.

 All consultations



The second SCCS Plenary meeting  »

The meeting took place in Luxembourg on 18 June 2013 and the minutes will be soon available.

Weekly meetings of the SCCS  »

The minutes for all working groups' meetings are available on cosmetic ingredients, hair dyes, nanomaterials in cosmetics and methodology.

The second SCHER Plenary meeting  »

The meeting took place in Luxembourg on 28 June 2013 and the minutes will soon be available.

Weekly meetings SCHER  »

The minutes for all meetings are available including - dental amalgam - environmental effects.

Other information of interest 

Fragrance allergens in cosmetic products - easy reading - explaining in simple terms what is behind the science  »

The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety assessed the list established in 1999 of 26 fragrance substances with a well-recognised potential to cause allergy to decide if additional fragrance ingredients need to be added. As a result, many more fragrance substances have been shown to be sensitisers in humans by clinical, epidemiological and experimental studies.

Bringing the scientific opinions closer to the public  »

Short summaries of all opinions are available to familiarize non specialists with the issues addressed and the conclusions reached by the Scientific Committees.

Health effects of artificial light  »

Easy reading - explaining the opinion in simple terms.

Security scanners  »

Easy reading - explaining the opinion in simple terms.

Health – EU Newsletter  »

For more information on the launch of the Scientific Committees in 2013.

Risk assessment and dialogue at EU-level  »

The EU's risk assessment system consists of various independent bodies giving scientific advice to decision makers.

Health-EU Newsletter survey  »

Last chance to let us know what you think.

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