FET Flagships


Contribution received to the FET Flagships consultation: ACE: ACcessible Europe Giulio Sandini, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences You can add your comments on...


Contribution received to the FET Flagships consultation: "Digital Health" Flagship John Goodacre, University of Manchester You can add your comments on this topic at: https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en...

Library item

Biosensors for Point-of-Care Applications

About us: The Institute of Neurological Sciences (ISN) of the National Research Council (CNR) includes the main site in Cosenza and the two branches in Catanzaro and Catania. The primary mission of...


Contribution received to the FET Flagships consultation on: Nanoarchitectronics (NTX) Stefano Maci, University of Siena European society’s grand challenge in Communications, Environment Sensing...


Contribution received to the FET Flagships consultation: Forecast of the Energy Price You can add your comments on this topic at: https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/content/forecast-energy-price-0...

Library item

Quantum Manifesto for Quantum Technologies

On invitation of Mr. Günther Oettinger, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society and Mr. Henk Kamp, Minister of Economic Affairs in The Netherlands, a European team [1] has been working on a...

Blog post

Help us shape the future of Horizon 2020

Today we are launching consultations on the Digital4Science platform to gather your ideas for Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), more particularly for the thematic orientations of FET Proactive...

Blog post

Welcome to the Digital4Science platform!

I am delighted to announce the launch of the Digital4Science platform , set up to stimulate conversations on Excellence in Science and its activities around the Open Science Cloud, e-infrastructures...
