About Open Public Review

The Open Public Review (OPR) provides an engaged stakeholder community and the wider public the opportunity to give open and transparent feedback on the progress of European Commission funded research projects in emerging technologies in the public sector. By reviewing and scoring project deliverables and initial results, participants can provide valuable feedback to the project coordinators on initial objectives, future impact and potential.

Why should I participate?

Participation in an open public review is on a voluntary basis and there is no payment. However, since you have a privilege access to projects outputs, we hope that the experience in testing this new form of assessing the progress of EU funded projects is an interesting exercise that will gain your interest and support.

How do I participate in the open public review?

From the main page on OPR, click on the project name that you wish to provide feedback (you can choose any or all of the projects, depending on your interests).

Once you have selected a project, you will have the possibility to choose between 4 tabs:
"Project summary", "Deliverables", "Project assesments" and "People".

  • Via the Project summary tab, you will have access to the projects' work package descriptions

  • There are two ways you can provide feedback:

    • To comment and/or rate deliverables, select the Deliverables tab and then open the deliverables that you want to review. You can leave comments and/or give the deliverable a rating.

    • To make a project assessment, first "Join" the group. After you joined the group, you will be able to select the Project assessments tab and then the option Create Project assessment. You can assess the project via three criteria: project results and potential impact; dissemination, exploitation and re-usability; recommendations concerning on-going and future work. If you do not want to assess a project via all three criteria please put N/A in the boxes that you do not want to use.

Reviews can be left on as many project outputs as you want, depending on your interests, expertise and availability. There is no obligation to review all a project's outputs.

Project outputs will only be available for review during the open public review phase. Once the review has closed, comments and ratings will remain accessible, but they cannot be revised or deleted, only viewed via Futurium.

How is an open public review different to the current review practice?

The current review practice is that the responsible Project Officer, as a representative of the Research Executive Agency, with or without the support of an independent reviewer, assesses the quality of a project with respect to compliance with contractual obligations and the programme of activities.

The aim of an open public review is not to do a compliance check or allow decision making on whether the project can continue in view of reaching the initial objectives, but to provide additional input that will be provided to the final reviewer.