ACE: ACcessible Europe

  • Carla Moris profile
    Carla Moris
    28 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

Contribution received to the FET Flagships consultation: ACE: ACcessible Europe

Giulio Sandini, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences

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The main S&T challenge of the flagship “ACcessible Europe” (ACE) is to develop the scientific knowledge and the related technologies to make Europe the best and most  accessible region in the world. The word “Accessible” here has to be seen in a very ample meaning. Accessible in the social sense means to attract people to Europe by developing new technologies supported by policies and educational programs to remove barriers to social inclusion and to improve the quality of life of all citizens in Europe. Accessible Europe must be addressed to the fragile part of our society such as persons with disabilities and elderly. There are so many unique things to see and visit in Europe that are precluded to this increasingly numerous population sector (worldwide). Thanks to advances in knowledge about humans and to new technology, Europe could be more accessible, better understood and enjoyed. Accessible Europe could also address some of the critical issues created by the refugee crisis and the migratory pressure from countries with critical political and economic situations. In particular the use of new technologies for the training of persons with different cultural background and level of schooling for a sustainable integration in Europe could help address a political issue which will remain with Europe for some years to come.

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