What is real intelligence? What is natural intelligence and artificial intelligence and how are they different from each other?

  • azamat ABDOULLAEV profile
    azamat ABDOULLAEV
    24 August 2019
    Total votes: 1

What is real intelligence?

It is the topmost true intelligence dealing with reality in terms of the world models and data/information/knowledge representations for cognition and reasoning, understanding and learning, problem-solving, predictions and decision-making, and interacting with the environment.

What is artificial intelligence?

It is a man-made intelligence, developed as symbolic logical general AI and sub-symbolic statistical narrow AI.

The key problem is “Will It Ever Be Possible to Create a General AI with Sentience and Conscience and Consciousness?’.

What is natural intelligence?

It is the intelligence created by nature, natural evolutionary mechanisms, as biological intelligence embodied as the brain, animal and human and any hypothetical alien intelligence.

The key problem is “Will It Ever Be Possible to Understand the Human Brain”?

Scientists still have no reliable model of how the brain actually works, and “neuroscience is still in its infancy,” capable of assembling a multitude of facts but struggling to determine the relationship between them.

‘Neuroscience does not have, as physics does, a standard model that serves as a conceptual structure in which gaps of knowledge and inconsistencies can be isolated and serve as impetus for experiments, technological improvements or elaborate calculations. In this workshop the speakers are asked to present embryos of brain theories that could develop into a “standard model of the functions of the mammalian brain”.

As our current experimental knowledge of mechanisms of brain dynamics is sparse, the talks will try to identify the gaps and bridge them by speculative hypotheses. The idea is that this exercise identifies crucial questions for brain science and produce hypotheses, of which some might be testable experimentally’.

Workshop: Developing a theory on how brains work - University of Copenhagen


In essence, the problems of natural intelligence and AI are similar:

How is information represented and processed in the brainy spongy, fatty organ or ANNs?

How do the interactions of its 86 billion neurons, which vary greatly in their shape and other physical properties, facilitate reasoning, decision-making, and movements?

What can cause these systems to falter, and what does it take for them to recover?

Now billions of dollars are uselessly flowing into research and neurotechnology projects like

the U.S. Brain Initiative,

Europe’s Human Brain Project,

the China Brain Project.

Among the results, neuroscientists recently revealed they made mice hallucinateby tweaking 20 of their neurons.

Elon Musk is promoting Neuralink, a company that he co-founded and has invested $100 million in, for investors, as being on the verge of threading ultrafine wires into people’s heads to record from at least 1,000 brain cells, a step toward telepathic communication with computers, etc.

Again, it is Real AI which is to explain and treat debilitating neurological and psychological diseases, as Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, and other crippling neurological disorders.

It is Real AI to understand how the nerve cells work together to produce perceptions or thoughts or voluntary movements.

It is Real AI technologies which are to peer inside the human brains and lab animals to uncover how aspects of cognition, such as perception, attention and memory, are neuro-coded in electrical signals and biochemical changes.

It is Real AI which is to explain how the human brain can be mastered, upgraded, and melded with machines, or uploaded to servers in an “immortal cloud”.

It is plain, Real Intelligence Strategy is the wisest/optimal/sustainable way towards True and Actual AI; for it is not burdened with all inhuman complexities of the human brain. Will It Ever Be Possible to Understand the Human Brain?

And the key problem is here just “How Fast will Be Created a Superhuman AI?’
