Report of the AI HLEG workshop of 20/9/2018

  • Cristian Brasoveanu profile
    Cristian Brasoveanu
    22 October 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 2
Year of publication: 

This is the report of the AI HLEG workshop of 20/9/2018, which took place in Brussels. The work was organised in breakout sessions that covered five areas: trusted AI, transparency and accountability, industry and ecosystems uptake of AI, use cases for the guidelines, and AI infrastructures and enablers.

It contains important ideas that also cover many aspects that have been mentioned in the submissions, discussions and comments on the European AI Alliance platform. For example, there are ideas related to what AI is, what trusted AI is, algorithmic assessment tools, certification, inclusiveness, responsibility & accountability, the European AI story, importance of data, skills & education, use cases for the AI ethics guidelines, building blocks for a successful AI-enabled European economy, talent, funding, regulation, ecosystems, and communication.

There are also video recordings available, from the introductory and concluding sessions.