CLAIRE: A European Vision for AI

  • Philipp SLUSALLEK profile
    Philipp SLUSALLEK
    3 October 2018
    Total votes: 6
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Holger Hoos, Morten Irgens, and Philipp Slusallek
Year of publication: 

This is the Vision document formulated when founding the CLAIRE initiative, targeting "Excellence across all of AI. For all of Europe. With a Human-Centred Focus."

CLAIRE (Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe) is an initiative by the European AI community that seeks to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation, with a strong focus on human-centred AI, and to establish world-wide brand recognitionfor "AI made in Europe". CLAIRE seeks to establish:

  • The CLAIRE Hub:​ A facility that serves as a highly visible and vibrant focal point for the CLAIRE collaborative network. Here, excellent scientists at all levels and from all partners will work together for periods of time and find outstanding infrastructure and support for research and innovation, particularly suited to the needs of AI.
  • CLAIRE Centres of Excellence:​ A selection of research labs in the CLAIRE Network, located strategically throughout the Europe. These will play strong roles as hubs for the members of the CLAIRE network in their region.
  • The CLAIRE Network:​ A collaborative network of research labs (existing and new) and organisations across Europe. They will jointly identify fundamental questions for basic and applied research, discuss the most promising approaches, and participate in collaborative approaches to address them.

The attached document "CLAIRE in a Nutshell" contains a summary of the goals of CLAIRE. More detailed information on CLAIRE can be found at the CLAIRE web site (, including the list of supporters, news, FAQs, media coverage, quotes and other information.

CLAIRE is already supported by a massive number of supporters from the European AI community, many top AI experts from research and industry, as well as the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) and most of the national AI associations (see website for details).

Please consider also signing up as a supporter of CLAIRE and spread this information among friend and colleagues.