Women in Tech Africa Org Comments on the EU-AU Digital Economy Task Force Document

  • Ethel Cofie profile
    Ethel Cofie
    3 June 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0

The Good 
It takes reconginition of the current and onogoing projects with the African Union on digitalisation , giving context  and avoiding the duplication of work.

Women in Tech Africa  also appreciates that the conversation on AI and Open data was centered in the policy document 



There seems Fundamental flaw in the assumption that Government  will lead Digitalisation across the continent instead of the understanding that  it is  private sector with Government enablement . Its is implicit in how the document is written 

We  did not see proper policy decentives for  countries that shut down thier internet intermitently .

There might need to be some work to better expand on inclusivity of minority and women as defined in the document , t is  not enough to actually begin to attack the problem  .

WE  would have liked to see an approach for taxation and engaging with multinational platfroms like Facebook, twitter  draring from what the EU has itself done .drawing from the lessons