
  • Evidence

    EuroGeographics: The importance of dependable geospatial information

    - A common understanding of location is vital to connecting Europe - That in turn requires dependable geospatial information and a shared location framework - The INSPIRE Directive has already established the ground rules for a European Spatial Data Infrastructure created by the Member States - Now the European Location Framework project is developing a cloud-based platform of harmonised INSPIRE-compliant national geospatial information - The Commission’s forthcoming Digital Single Market Strategy can help to ensure that geospatial information is able to play its full part in the Digital Single Market

  • Evidence

    ETNO: Achieving a stronger digital Union

    At ETNO, we believe that the telecom industry is instrumental to accelerating the implementation of a European Digital Society, leveraging its assets, expertise and knowledge and serving as a key...

  • Idea

    Experience: Investment is at the heart of the digital single market. Foremost, it is necessary to achieve the digital agenda targets regarding very high broadband deployment objectives. This is all...