What's New

  • Evidence

    The European Union’s Broadband Challenge

    Key points : • Even though it is often idealized as a technologically connected continent, Europe’s broadband system is actually highly fragmented and in great need of overall improvement...

  • Evidence

    Market definition in two-sided markets: theory and practice

    Drawing from the economics of two-sided markets, we provide suggestions for the definition of the relevant market in cases involving two-sided platforms, such as media outlets, online intermediaries...

  • Evidence

    Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market

    How can the EU make copyright fit for purpose in the Internet age? What are the most suitable and realistic policy options to achieve the objective of a Digital Single Market in the creative content...

  • Video

    Digital4EuropeForum - Closing remarks

    The Digital4Europe Stakeholder Forum was a success with more than 500 people attending and with a great exchange of ideas about which challenges the Digital Single Market needs to address. Robert Madelin , Director General of DG Connect, summarised accurately in his closing remarks what was...

  • Blog post

    Digital Economy and Society Index - DESI

    The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU member states in digital...

  • Idea

    Experience When buying online I cannot use the debit card. Otherwise, sometimes I get high transaction costs on some cards instead of others. Ideas To solve this, the EU should forbid banking...

  • Idea

    Experience In order to correctly facilitate the full benefits of the Digital Single Market for all of Europe’s citizens it is essential to address both issues related to access, those areas...

  • Blog post

    Who are the prime customers for the Digital Single Market?

    Some argue that cross-border shopping online will never be a major phenomenon, because of trust, or language, but the evidence suggests that there is real potential. The universe of people who are...

  • Video

    Talking Digital

    "Solving the taxation problem of VAT, particularly for ecommerce companies when doing business accross borders". We met Robin Wauters, Founding Editor at Tech.eu, at the Startup Europe Summit (13th February, hold in the Factory) and we asked him "What does Digital Single Market mean for you? And...

  • Video

    Talking Digital

    Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, participated at the Startup Europe Summit February 2015. During his FSide Chat he adressed the need of a Digital Single Market...
