Process of the eGovernement Action Plan 2016-2020

The process

  • Based on the needs that have been submitted on the platform and the actions related to these needs, Member States in the eGovernment Action Plan Steering Board will assess and determine whether to commit to implementing an action.
  • Actions can be proposed by individual stakeholders or collaborated by a group of stakeholders on the platform. Stakeholders may also decide to create more formal working groups to draft actions.
  • The eGovernment Action Plan Steering Board is chaired by the European Commission and represented by Commission officials and Member State representatives who were mandated by their country to govern the Action Plan, in particular to assess and select newly identified actions during the entire duration of the Action Plan and to coordinate the effective implementation and monitoring of the Action Plan.
  • Proposals for action will be discussed by the Steering Board every 6 months.
  • Proposers will be notified about the decisions on the platform and how the actions will be implemented.
  • Once a project is up and running, information about its progress and results will be made available on the platform.
  • After a discussion between the Commission and the Steering Board on which new actions to associate with the Action Plan, the Commission will formally update the eGovernment Action Plan once a year.



The concept need is defined as an issue with public administration services perceived by the stakeholders. On the eGovernment stakeholder consultation platform, a need is expressed as a short contribution that may be further elaborated on by the community and may lead to a proposal for an action.

A proposed action is defined as a problem (i.e., need) and an articulated solution for this problem. Ideally, a proposed action would have a clear objective and a concrete policy instrument. In most of the cases, however, it is expected that stakeholders submit proposed solutions to a need, while the concrete policy instrument of the action needs to be identified by the implementers. For instance, a realistic need in eGovernment is the full-end-to-end delivery of a public service online. Stakeholders might propose an increased take up of electronic identification (i.e., eID) as a solution to this need, however, it is expected that most of the time stakeholders might not have the necessary knowledge to propose a concrete action on how to proceed. Finally, a proposed action may or may not be selected for implementation.

An evidence is a dataset, report, graphs, statistics, etc. supporting an idea/a discussion and the evaluation (ex-ante or ex-post) of an action.

A data source is a source for the evidence.

A criterion (or eligibility criterion) is a principle according to which proposed actions are evaluated and accepted/refused.