Networking for the topic "FET Proactive: emerging themes and communities"

  • Ivica Cubic profile
    Ivica Cubic
    7 January 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

FET Proactive scheme supports ground-breaking research for future technology, and aims at structuring emerging communities. This platform offers you a space to discuss and network around the ten specific subtopics of the H2020 FET Proactive topic “Emerging themes and communities” (clustered within four areas). The deadline for proposals submission is 12 April 2016.

You may use this platform to build connections, to share ideas, and to benefit from other's expertise. Check what's on, find the subtopic that interests you most and start networking!

Area  1. Future technologies for societal change:

  1. Being human in a technological world

  2. New science for a globalised world

Area  2. Biotech for better life

  1. Intra- and inter-cell bio-technologies

  2. Bio-electronic medicines and therapies

  3. Cognitive neuro-technologies

Area  3. Disruptive information technologies

  1. New computing paradigms and their technologies

  2. Quantum engineering

  3. Hybrid opto-electro-mechanical devices at the nano-scale

Area  4. New technologies for energy and functional materials

  1. Ecosystem engineering

  2. Complex bottom-up construction

Find more information on the Participant Portal, and check the dedicated FAQ for the FET Proactive topic “Emerging themes and communities”.