Cybersecurity Videos

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    A Man-in-the-Middle of my Heart Attack

    This session covered the latest findings from the hacking research project of Dr Marie Moe, in particular how it is possible to perform a Man-in-the-Middle attack between the pacemaker device and the corresponding backend server with the help of a fake mobile base station, giving access to the...

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    Blade Runner World is here and gone

    During this CONNECT University session organised to celebrate the European Cybersecurity Month, Chema Alonso, world-renowned security expert and ethical hacker, shared some fascinating hacking insights, together with the security risks that are coming with the new technologies such as AI, Cognitive...

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    Cybersecurity: a priority for healthcare delivery

    The session brought together European Commission and external experts working on strengthening cybersecurity in health to talk about concrete cybersecurity challenges, while proposing innovative mitigation approaches against cyber threats.

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    Digital privacy in a data-driven world

    This session presented the latest trends in digital data privacy, the upcoming privacy challenges which our Big Data era may pose and the EU's latest privacy related policy initiatives.

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    Cybersecurity and digital privacy challenges of the future

    This session addressed the following questions: How could governments and the industry get prepared in order to tackle the future cybersecurity challenges? How can we use emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), quantum computing, blockchain, to identify risks and build strong...

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    Cybersecurity in health, banking, transport and insurance

    The session brought together European Commission and external experts working on strengthening cybersecurity in the mentioned sectors to talk about concrete cybersecurity challenges from health, banking transport and insurance sectors, while proposing innovative mitigation approaches against cyber...

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    An overview of supply chain security

    This session explored the current trends for the improvement of Supply Chain Security. Watch the recording and find out what is being done concretely for addressing issues related to vulnerable complex supply chains.

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    Attracting and retaining more women in cybersecurity

    During this session high-level speakers explored what lies behind this gender gap, underlining the key role of diversity in cybersecurity for mitigating risks, and presenting the tremendous opportunity for women who want to pursue a professional career in this field.

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    Strengthening the EU's Cyber Defence and Resilience

    The session presented an overview of the steps that are currently being taken in order to prepare Europe to better protect all its assets (infrastructures, governments and businesses). Watch the recording and discover about the EU's efforts to strengthen its cybersecurity and resilience.

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    International cybersecurity challenges

    This session provided a comprehensive overview of the global actors and dimension of the cyberspace, and showed the complexity of the ever-increasing cyber risks in a hyper connected world in which international cooperation is the best way forward.

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    Rethinking cybersecurity in the digital transformation age

    Through this introductory session participants had the chance to get a good understanding of the emerging cybersecurity threats and solutions. The session covered topics such as innovative cryptography to strengthen cybersecurity, and took a look at ways to enhance the cybersecurity of Internet of...

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    Cybersecurity in critical infrastructures

    The CONNECT University session on "Cybersecurity in critical infrastructures" brought together European Commission and external experts working on strengthening cybersecurity in critical infrastructures to discuss around this topic highlighting both the role of the private sector and the public...

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    Cybersecurity threats in an age of IoT

    Many of our devices we use in our everyday life are connected to the internet collecting and sharing data. This inter-connection provides great benefits for the users. The session was part of the ECSM and brought together European Commission and external experts in the domain of cybersecurity and...