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  Scientific Committee on Food - Previous outcome of discussionsslide

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Previous outcome of discussions

! The opinion is published by the European Commission in its original language. Only this version is the original one. If other linguistic versions appear on this page, these will be clearly identified. The opinion is that of the Scientific Committees. It does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Commission.

- "Principles for the Development of Risk Assessment of Microbiological Hazards under Directive 93/43/EEC (Recommendation of the SCF);

Principles for the Development of Microbiological Criteria for Animal Products and Products of Animal Origin Intended for Human Consumption (Recommendation of the Scientific Committee for Food and the Scientific Veterinary Committee (Public Health Section), September 1997 (No. Catalogue : GT-08-97-670-EN-C)"
- Opinion On Microcrystaline Cellulose
- Minutes of the 108th Meeting of the Scientific Committee for Food held on 18 - 19 September 1997 in Brussels
- Opinion on the potential micro-biological risk arising from the presence of moisture in tea (expressed on 19 th September 1997)
- Opinion on Microcrystaline Cellulose (expressed on 19 th September 1997)
- Minute statement (Point 16): Food Microbiology and Hygiene - Papain from papaya fruit (carica papaya) used as a meat tenderising agent - (examination of additional information)
- Opinion of the Scientific Committee for Food on: A maximum residue limit (MRL) of 0.01 mg/kg for pesticides in foods intended for infants and young children (expressed on the 19th September 1997)
- Gamma irradiation of egg and egg products - Minute statement Point 16. (Food Microbiology and Hygiene)
- Opinion on the Potential Risk to Human Health Arising from the Bulk Transport of Raw Sugar, Semi Processed Syrups and Thick Sugar Juices Intended for the Production of White Sugar, in Non Dedicated Ships' Tanks and Road Tankers
- Minute statement Point 15. (Contaminants) - Request for urgent opinion on the JECFA report on aflatoxins prepared at its 49th meeting, Rome 1997.
- Opinion on Derivatives of Wood Rosin as Coating Agents for Fresh Citrus Fruits (expressed on 19th September 1997)
- Opinion on the relationship between scientific data and the labelling of genetically modified foods and their derived products (expressed on 19th September 1997)
- Minutes of the 108th Meeting of the Scientific Committee for Food
- Minutes of the 107th Meeting of the Scientific Committee for Food held on 12-13 June 1997 in Brussels
- Additional List of Monomers and Additives Evaluated by the WG "Food Contact Materials" of the SCF During the 69th-70th Meetings (adopted during the SCF meeting of 12 and 13 June 1997)
- Opinion on Diacetyltartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides (Datem E 472e) (expressed on 13 June 1997)
- Opinion on Canthaxanthin expressed on 13 June 1997)
- Opinion On Arsenic, Barium, Fluoride, Boron And Manganese In Natural Mineral Waters (Expressed On 13 December 1996)
- Opinion On Nitro Musk Compounds In Foods (Expressed On 13 June 1997)
- Opinion On Principles For The Development Of Risk Assessment Of Microbiological Hazards Under The Hygiene Of Foodstuffs Directive 93/43/Eec (Expressed On 13 June 1997)
- Opinion on Certain Additives for Use in Foods for Infants and Young Children in Good Health and in Foods for Special Medical Purposes for Infants and Young Children (expressed on 21 March 1997 and amended on 13 June 1997)
- Clarification and explanation of the SCF’s Opinion of 7 June 1996 on Badge (expressed on 13 June 1997)
- Opinion On A Request For The Use Of Algal Beta-Carotene As A Food Colour (Expressed On 13th June 1997)
- Minutes of the 107th Meeting of the SCF (12/13 June 97)
- Opinion On The Potential For Adverse Health Effects From The Consumption Of Genetically Modified Maize (Zea Mays L) (Expressed On 13 December 1996)
- Opinion on the Additional Information from the Austrian Authorities Concerning the Marketing of Ciba Geigy Maize (expressed on 21 March 1997)
- Opinion on saccharin and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts (expressed on 2 June 1995) pdf





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