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Consultation on the impact of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the EU

Policy Field

  • Internal market (financial reporting)

Target group

Any interested party – commercial, public, academic or non-governmental, including private individuals. Especially: capital market participants and companies preparing financial statements or using them for investment purposes (whether or not they use IFRS).


  • From 07.08.2014 to 07.11.2014 – (closed).


The European Commission is holding a public consultation to seek views from all interested parties on their experience of Regulation 1606/2002 (‘the IAS Regulation’). The results of this public consultation will feed into the European Commission’s evaluation of the IAS Regulation.

How to submit your contribution

The participation period to this consultation is now over.

Contact details

Responsible services:
Internal Market and Services DG,
Unit F3 – Accounting and Financial Reporting
Postal address:
European Commission
SPA2 00/089
1049 Brussels

Number of responses received to this consultation

200 contributions were received.

Results of consultation and next steps

Protection of personal data and privacy statement