AN EU consolidated electronic list concerning persons
and entities subject to EU financial sanctions
Background information Day-to-day use DBMS use

On the DG relex website, you will have also 2 ways of working with the XML files :

This section is addressed to the IT expert.

    1. Automatic download from an HTTP website

    There are softwares/sharewares/freewares which allows you to set up an automatic download from HTTP websites. Such software will only help you to download and save the file(s) to a specific location and NOT to integrate the files in Excel or your DBMS.


    • HTML-kit by Chami
    • Webgrab 3.6 by East Bay Technologies Inc.
    • Robust Download Manager 3.1
    • InstantGet VI.92.
    • Mass Downloader 2.6 SR 1

    2. Automatic download from an FTP site

  • Create a specific .bat file (batch file) : Example applied to download OFAC lists:

    cd “d:\Personal Data\download\sdn_fi les\”
    del SDN*.TXT
    del *.del
    del *.FF
    del CTRY*.txt
    del readme.txt
    cd ..
    ;ftp -s:ftp_get_sdn_script.ftp -A
    “c:\program fi les\winrar\winrar” e sdn_fi les\

    You can always create a succession of batch files to reduce the human intervention.
    You could even schedule the batch file to download more than once a day the XML file. You have to use the "AT" command:

    at 20:00 /every:f cmd /c c:\db2\C21\sapscripts\

  • In Excel, you can implement macros with VB scripts. For example, you can automate the entire
    process from downloading the files to integrating the XML data in Excel, and even saving them in a desired format (ex: .txt, .csv). Every step will be processed in the Excel environment. (Excel has to be opened to trigger the script).

    FTP the file to the website
    Set ftp = New Inet*
    With ftp
    .Protocol = icFTP
    .RemoteHost = “”
    .UserName = “cpe”
    .Password = “xxx”
    .Execute .URL, “Get c:\suppliers.txt /docs/suppli
    Do While .StillExecuting
    End With

    This tool can be improved to incorporate new features like scheduling, saving in other formats...

      3. Extract-load the information contained in the XML file

      You will have to CREATE a specific "Parser" tailored to your specific IT requirements. Java, C++, Perl, PHP ... parser can be used to produce the parser. You can always find free existing parser on the Net.


*MSINET.OCX - Windows/system32 - to be added in the "Reference" option of Excel, Access ...
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