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Archive:Marriages and births in Luxembourg

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Decline of the marriage rate in Luxembourg

Author: STATEC – Unit “Population and Housing
Data extracted in November 2015.

This article on marriages and births is part of a pilot project implemented by Eurostat together with the Member States. The aim of the pilot project is to better reply to user's needs by complementing the Eurostat article presenting data on an EU level with more detailed information on the same topic, but at national level. Articles from the participating Member States are available in the corresponding national languages as well as in English and they form, together with the Eurostat article, an online publication.

This article presents the main statistical indicators on marital status, marriages, divorces and the number of births in Luxembourg between 2000 and 2013. During this period, the marriage rate in Luxembourg continuously declined, while the age at first marriage increased. Nevertheless, more than half of adults were married or in a registered partnership. The decrease of the marriage rate did not really affect the fertility rate. Indeed, women increasingly gave birth outside marriage.

Table 1: Population by marital status (%) - 1981-2011 in Luxembourg
Source: STATEC
Figure 1:Population by age and marital status (%) in Luxembourg, 2011
Source: STATEC-Census2011
Figure 2: Number of marriages and divorces in Luxembourg, 2000-2013
Source: STATEC
Figure 3: Evolution of crude marriage rate in Luxembourg, 2000-2013
Source: STATEC
Figure 4: Evolution of age at first marriage in Luxembourg, 2000-2013
Source: STATEC
Figure 5: Number of marriages per month in Luxembourg, 2000-2013
Source: STATEC
Figure 6: Evolution of crude divorce rate in Luxembourg, 2000-2013
Source: STATEC
Figure 7: Average age at divorce in Luxembourg, 2000-2013
Source: STATEC
Figure 8: Number of live births inside and outside marriage in Luxembourg, 2000-2013
Source: STATEC
Figure 9: Total fertility rate, average number of children per woman in Luxembourg, 2000-2013
Source: STATEC
Figure 10: Mean age of women at birth of first child in Luxembourg, 2000-2013
Source: STATEC

Main statistical findings

Marital status of population aged 20 and over

According to the results of the general population census 2011, more than half of the population aged 20 and over was married (55.1 %). Single people (persons never married or in a registered partnership) represented the second largest group (27.5 %) followed by divorced persons (8.6 %), widows/widowers (7.2 %) and people in a registered partnership (1.6 %).

The proportion of married people or those in a registered partnership has decreased over time. Compared with 1981, the share of married people decreased by 13.7 %. On the other hand, the share of single and divorced people increased by 9.3 % and 6.1 % respectively.

Marital status and age are strongly correlated. According to the last census (2011), 80.5 % of persons aged 20 to 29 were single, compared with only 6.3 % of those aged 65 or more. The share of married persons increased with age: 15.5 % of those aged 20 to 29 , 61.4 % of those aged 30 to 49 , and 71.7 % of those aged 50 to 64 . After 65, the share of married people decreased (56.2 %) and there was an increase in widowed people (31.2 % of those aged 65 and over).

5.4 % of the population aged over 20 live in a consensual union

According to the 2011 census results, 21 088 people or 5.4 % of the population aged over 20 were cohabiting as partners. In Luxembourg, consensual unions are more common among young people: 8.4 % of those aged 20 to 29 lived in a consensual union, compared with 7.7 % of those aged 30 to 49 and 2.0 % of those aged 50 and over.

Fewer marriages and age at first marriage keeps growing

The number of weddings is in continuous decline, passing from 2 148 marriages conducted in 2000 to 1 722 in 2013 (see Figure 2). In 2009, a decline of 9.3 % in the number of marriages was recorded compared with 2008. Since 2009, the number of marriages has been relatively stable at around 1 750 per year.

As the Luxembourgish population is continuously growing, the incidence of marriage is declining. As a consequence the crude marriage rate passed from 4.9 marriages for 1 000 inhabitants in 2000 to 3.2 in 2013 (1.7 marriages fewer for 1 000 inhabitants).

Apart from the decrease in the number of marriages, there is another clear trend: people marry at increasingly later ages. While the average bride and groom were aged 27.4 and 30.3 in 2000, the average age at first marriage increased to 29.7 and 32.7 respectively by 2013. Thus, people now marry, on average, about two years and a half later than in 2000 (see Figure 4).

The number of marriages is not equally distributed over the year (see figure 5). The percentage of marriages increases from month to month and peaks in July (14.3 % of all marriages conducted in the period 2000 to 2013). The summer months (June-August) constitute the wedding season. During these three months, 37.2 % of marriages are celebrated. The frequency of marriages during the winter months (December to February) is fairly low (17.7 %), especially in January: 2.9 % of total marriages. The increase in marriages in December, compared to the preceding month, is partly explained by the year-end holidays.


In 2013, 1 163 marriages ended in divorce. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the number of divorces has fluctuated between 977 (2008) and 1 218 (2011) divorces per year (see Figure 2).

The number of divorces per 1 000 inhabitants, that is the crude divorce rate, has been relatively stable, ranging from 2.5 in 2006 to 2.0 in 2008 and 2012 (see Figure 6).

In Luxembourg, the average age at divorce has increased during the observed period. For women, this age has grown, between 2000 and 2013, from 37.6 to 41.9 and for men, from 40.1 to 44.3 (see figure 7). In fourteen years, the average age at divorce has increased by 4.3 years for women and 4.2 years for men. This growth is linked both to the increase in the average age at marriage and an increase in the duration of marriage before divorce.

More and more births outside marriage

In 2013, 6 115 children were born whose parents had their residence in Luxembourg, among which 3 129 were boys and 2 986 were girls. After a peak observed in 2000, the number of births remained relatively stable throughout the period, a small decrease being observed for the years 2001 to 2003 (-7.3 %). Since 2012, however, the number of live births has exceeded 6 000 babies a year.

Most of the children in Luxembourg are born within marriage. However, this number has decreased over time: 4 470 (78.1 % of live births) in 2000 compared with 3 800 (62.1 %) in 2013. Even though it is becoming more common for children to be born outside marriage in Luxembourg and in the rest of Europe, the share of births within marriage is higher in Luxembourg than the European average. Indeed, in 2012, 37.8 percent of children born in Luxembourg had an unmarried mother, compared with 40 % in the EU. (see Figure 8)

The total fertility rate describes how many children a woman is expected to have during a lifetime. It has decreased in Luxembourg during the 2000s from 1.76 in 2000 to 1.55 in 2013. Between 2000 and 2013, the lowest level was observed in 2011 with 1.52 children per women (see Figure 9).

The trend in recent decades is that women in Luxembourg, as in the rest of the EU, wait longer to start a family. In 2000, the average age of becoming a mother for the first time was 28.3. In 2013, the corresponding figure increased to 30.0. This is somewhat higher than the EU average of 28.7 (see Figure 10).

Due to the high level of migration in Luxembourg, the contribution of the foreign population to the number of births each year is significant. 62.6 % of children born in 2013 have a mother with a foreign citizenship. The contribution of foreign immigration to the Luxembourgish population increased fertility indicators. In 2013, as in the years before, the total fertility rate for foreign women was higher than for Luxembourgish women: 1.80 children per foreign woman and 1.32 children per Luxembourgish woman.

See also

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  • Publications
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