Statistics Explained

Archive:Tutorial:Updating the regional yearbook

Procedure and timing (for the 2012 edition)

I. Preparatory phase
13th January DEADLINE for Eurostat units responsible for a particular statistical subject to provide their proposals/suggestions for changes to the content of the publication to Åsa Önnerfors in unit E4. The aim is to agree on a detailed chapter plan for each chapter. This is your opportunity to give detailed input to Informa. Any proposal regarding substantial changes in the structure and content of the chapter should be made now, not later on in the process.
23rd January Optional; individual meetings between production units, the regional unit and Informa can take place on this day if there is any problematic or complicated issues that needs to be discussed.
27th January DEADLINE for agreeing on the detailed chapter plans, no more changes should be made on the general content of each chapter after this date.
II. Drafting phase
15th February DATA EXTRACTION for maps, tables and figures is made by INFORMA.
30th March – 6th April Consultation regarding the maps produced for each chapter, comments and corrections on the maps should be sent to Åsa Önnerfors in unit E4 by the 6th of April.
13th April DELIVERY of the draft text, tables and figures and the final version of the maps. These will be circulated using MS Word and MS Excel files for text, tables and figures and PDF files for the maps.
27th April DEADLINE for comments/changes from ESTAT units in relation to the text, tables and figures.

• changes made to the text should be made using the track changes feature of MS Word. • changes made to the MS Excel content (tables and figures) should be highlighted (either shading cells that are changed or changing the font colour where changes are made). The formatting of the MS Excel files should not be changed as these files will already have been processed for the layout stage.

III. Completion phase
18th May The English version of the text + all tables, figures and maps will be made available on Statistics Explained (by INFORMA) as draft articles.
25th May DEADLINE for validating the articles on Statistics Explained, after which the English content of the publication should be available online to external users.
June - October 2012 After this date all the articles will be available in Statistics Explained in English. The next step is to prepare the printed version of the publication in English and to insert the German and French translations of the articles in Statistics Explained after they have been translated by DGT, this will be taken care of by unit E4 and D4. The proofreading, lay-out work and printing will be ongoing during the summer and all prepress work will be done by Jouve, the same layout company as in previous years. The official publication of the printed version is planned for October 2012.


The following table lists the chapters of the Eurostat regional yearbook 2011, including responsibilities and publication theme colours for the map production.

Chapter number Chapter title Responsible person(s) Unit Head of unit Dissemination coordinator / Statistics Explained editor Publication theme Publication subject Theme colour of the maps
1 Population Monica Marcu, Gabriela Senchea Badea F1 Population Bettina Knauth Monica Marcu 3 Population and social conditions yellow (+ blue)
2 Labour market Lourdes Prado (from 1st of March), Daniela Scirancova E4 Regional statistics and geographical information Gunter Schäfer Åsa Önnerfors 3 Population and social conditions yellow
3 Labour cost Simone Casali F2 Labour market Joachim Recktenwald Simone Casali 3 Population and social conditions yellow
4 Education Sorin-Florin Gheorghiu, Dominique Groenez, Emmanuel Kailis and Paolo Turchetti F4 Education, science and culture Christine Coin Dominique Groenez 3 Population and social conditions yellow
5 Health Marta Caravalhido, Elodie Cayotte and Jean-Marc Schaefer F5 Health and food safety; crime Anne Clemenceau Marta Caravalhido 3 Population and social conditions yellow
6 European cities Teodora Brandmüller E4 Regional statistics and geographical information Gunter Schäfer Åsa Önnerfors 1 General and regional statistics lilac blue
7 Gross domestic product Andreas Krüger C2 National accounts - production Silke Stapel Vacant 2 Economy and finance bright lilac
8 Household accounts Andreas Krüger C2 National accounts - production Silke Stapel Vacant 2 Economy and finance bright lilac
9 Structural business statistics Aleksandra Stawińska, Christine Nicasi G2 Structural business statistics Merja Hult Christine Nicasi 4 Industry, trade and services clear blue
10 Information society Albrecht Wirtmann, Anna Lööf F6 Information society, Tourism Michail Skaliotis Albrecht Wirtmann 4 Industry, trade and services clear blue
11 Tourism Christophe Demunter, Guiseppi Di Giacomo and Sylvie Villaume F6 Information society, Tourism Michail Skaliotis Chryssanthi Dimitrakopoulou 4 Industry, trade and services clear blue
12 Agriculture (LUCAS) Marjo Kasanko and other persons from the LUCAS team E1 Farms, agro-environment and rural development Marcel Ernens Catherine Coyette 5 Agriculture and fisheries dark green
13 Costal regions / Maritime policy Isabelle Collet E1 Farms, agro-environment and rural development Marcel Ernens Catherine Coyette 5 Agriculture and fisheries dark green
14 Transport Yves Mahieu, Luciano de Angelis E6 Transport Ruxandra Roman Enescu Luciano de Angelis 7 Transport turquise
15 Science, technology and innovation Daniela Silvia Crintea, Bernard Félix, Dominique Groenez and Reni Petkova F4 Education, science and culture Christine Coin Dominique Groenez 9 Science and technology orange
16 Trends in densely and thinly populated areas Lewis Dijkstra, Hugo Poelman DG Regio, unit C3 Economic and quantitiative analysis, Additionality Eric von Breska Åsa Önnerfors (depending on subject)
17 Geographical facts Ekkehard Petri and other persons from the GISCO team E4 Regional statistics and geographical information Gunter Schäfer Åsa Önnerfors (depending on subject)

Rules and principles for the publication process

  • The units are requested to reduce the amount of text for each chapter and to align the text structure with Statistics Explained, but we will not use Statistics Explained as the means of producing the publication yet - that is planned for next year when we have gained more experience.
  • The chapters will be published in Statistics Explained as articles as soon as the English version of all content has been proofread and approved by the units, which will reduce the publishing time of the content considerably compared with the layout version (in print and PDF).
  • We will use English as the main production language. All chapters have to be written in English, even if the chapter author is more fluent in German or French. It gets too complicated to work with all three languages in parallel and it increases delays.
  • The units are still requested to provide unit E4 with the titles, subtitles and footnotes to the tables, maps and graphs in all three languages from the start. This is to speed up the publication process and not having to wait for the translations to be ready before we can start producing the tables, maps and graphs in all three languages (parallel processes decreases delays).
  • We are going to keep the same routines for quality checking of language and content as in previous years. Each chapter will be sent to English editing by DGT before the whole publication is sent to translation and then the publication will be proofread in all three languages in both Word and PDF by the Publications office before the printing starts.
  • An external contractor (Abaco) will be responsible for this year's map production, which makes us less flexible regarding the timing. Detailed rules for making the data extractions are described in the Regional yearbook map production tutorial.
  • Colour schemes for the maps: we are going to apply the publications theme colours for every chapter as defined in the Eurostat graphical style guide, which will in most cases change the chapter numbering compared to previous editons. This will make it easier to reuse the same map in other publications as well.
  • The units are encouraged to introduce maps with NUTS 3 regions, for all subjects for which we have available data (e.g. Population, GDP, Labour market and Tourism).
  • For tables and graphs, the units are requested to apply the same layout rules in Excel as for SIF's and all other Eurostat publications. For the print layout of tables and graphs, we are going to start the consultation process between the layout company (Jouve) and the units at an earlier stage than last year.

Map production

A main element of the regional yearbook are the statistical maps. For detailed rules and instuctions regarding the map production for the 2011 edition, please read this detailed article on Regional yearbook map production.


For further questions related to the regional yearbook, please contact Asa Oennerfors, unit E4.