Statistics Explained

Tutorial:Table title guidelines - standard items

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This tutorial provides Eurostat's domain managers with lists of terms that can be included in tables' and datasets' titles, in three languages.

Geographical items

. English French German Note
EU aggregates euro area zone euro Euroraum .
. EU, EA19 etc. EU, EA19 EU, EA19 in titles
. EU, EA-19 etc. EU, EA-19 EU, EA-19 in publications
. Member State(s) État(s) membre(s) Mitgliedstaat(en) .
Regions by NUTS 2 regions par région NUTS 2 nach NUTS-2-Regionen .
. by metropolitan regions par région métropolitaine nach Metropolregionen .
. by urban-rural typology par typologie urbaine-rurale nach der Typologie städtischer/ländlicher Räume .
. by degree of urbanisation par degré d’urbanisation nach Verstädterungsgrad .
. at territorial level au niveau territorial auf Gebietsebene .

Time items

English French German
annual data données annuelles jährliche Daten
monthly data données mensuelles monatliche Daten
quarterly data données trimestrielles vierteljährliche Daten
daily data données journalières tägliche Daten
bi-annual data données semestrielles halbjährliche Daten
(from 2008 onwards) (à partir de 2008) (ab 2008)
(1998 - 2008) (1998 - 2008) (1998 - 2008)
(until 2008) (jusqu'en 2008) (bis 2008)
survey 2007 enquête 2007 Erhebung 2007

Selected breakdowns

English French German
by sex par sexe nach Geschlecht
by citizenship par nationalité nach Staatsangehörigkeit
by age par âge nach Alter
by age group par classe d'âge nach Altersgruppe
by size class par classe de taille nach Größenklasse
by country of birth par pays de naissance nach Geburtsland
per year par année pro Jahr


English French German
NACE Rev. 2 activity activité de la NACE Rév. 2 NACE Rev. 2 Tätigkeit
NACE Rev. 1.1 activity activité de la NACE Rév. 1.1 NACE Rev. 1.1 Tätigkeit
NACE Rev. 2 activity (C, D, E-G) activité de la NACE Rév. 2 (C, D, E-G) NACE Rev. 2 Tätigkeit (C, D, E-G)
NACE Rev. 2 activity (B-S except O) activité de la NACE Rév. 2 (B-S sauf O) NACE Rev. 2 Tätigkeit (B-S ohne O)


English French German Note/usage
by COICOP consumption purpose par fonction de consommation COICOP nach COICOP Verwendungszweck No reference to COICOP level or digit should be indicated in titles, with the exception of datasets/tables that have the same titles and differ only for the COICOP level/digit.



Type of concept English French German
General persons personnes Personen
Location inhabitants habitants Einwohner
Function ex: passengers, students, doctorates... ex: passagers, étudiants, doctorants... Beispiel: Passagiere, Studenten, Doktoranden...


Type of concept English French German Note /usage
Percentage % % % .
Percentage of sth. % of GDP % du PIB % des BIP do not write out in subtitles
. % of gross national income (GNI) % du revenu national brut (RNB) % des Bruttonationaleinkommen (BNE) use the abbreviation only if necessary (long titles)
. % of live births % des naissances vivantes % der Lebendgeburten .
. % of gross electricity consumption % de la consommation brute d'électricité % des Bruttostromverbrauchs .
. growth rate (%) taux de croissance (%) Wachstumsrate (%) to be used if reference period is clear
. percentage change variation en pourcentage Prozentveränderung .
. percentage change on previous year (%) variation par rapport à l'année précédente (%) Veränderung gegenüber dem Vorjahr (%) annual growth rate
. percentage change on previous quarter (%) variation par rapport au trimestre précédent (%) Veränderung gegenüber dem vorhergehenden Quartal (%) quarterly growth rate (Q/Q-1)
. percentage change compared to corresponding quarter of the previous year (%) variation comparée au trimestre correspondant de l'année précédente (%) Veränderung gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal (%) Q/Q-4
. percentage change on previous month (%) variation par rapport au mois précédent (%) Veränderung gegenüber dem Vormonat (%) monthly growth rate (M/M-1)
. percentage change compared to corresponding month of the previous year (%) variation comparée au mois correspondant de l'année précédente (%) Veränderung gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat (%) M/M-12


Type of concept English French German Note /usage
General per thousand persons par milliers de personnes Je Tausend Personen .
. per million inhabitants par million d'habitants Je Million Einwohner .
. inhabitants per km² habitants par km² Einwohner je km² .
Precise concept pupils per teacher élèves par enseignant Schüler pro Lehrer .
. EUR per litre EUR par litre EUR je Liter .
. oil equivalent in kg per thousand EUR of GDP équivalent pétrole en kg par milliers de EUR du PIB Ölequivalent in kg pro Tausend EUR des BIP .
. tonne of oil equivalent tonne d’équivalent pétrole Tonne Rohöleinheiten do not use abbreviations: toe (EN), tep (FR), tRÖE (DE)
. S80/S20 quintile ratio rapport interquintile S80/S20 S80/S20 Verteilungsquintil ratio between top and lowest quintile


Type of concept English French German Note /usage
. thousand milliers Tausend the figure '1 000' should not be used
. millions millions Millionen use abbreviations only if necessary: m (EN), Mio (FR), Mio. (DE)
. billions milliards milliarden use abbreviations only if necessary: bn(EN), Mrd (FR), Mrd. (DE)


Type of concept English French German Note /usage
Euro EUR EUR EUR abbreviation for euro
Written out in euros en euros in Euro .
Numbers + EUR billion EUR milliards d'EUR Milliarden EUR use abbreviations only if necessary: bn EUR (EN), Mrd EUR (FR), Mrd. EUR (DE)
. million EUR millions d'EUR Millionen EUR use abbreviations only if necessary: m EUR (EN), Mio EUR (FR), Mio. EUR (DE)
. thousand EUR milliers d'EUR Tausend EUR .
EUR-equivalent purchasing power standards (PPS) standards de pouvoir d'achat (SPA) Kaufkraftstandards (KKS) use abbreviations only if necessary

Other quantitative units

Type of concept English French German Note /usage
. thousand full-time employees milliers d'employés à temps plein Tausend Vollzeitbeschäftigte .
. million passenger-km millions de passagers-km Millionen Personen-km .
. tonnes live weight tonnes poids vif Tonnen Lebendgewicht .
. CO2 CO2 CO2 Do not use subscript for '2'
. seasonally adjusted désaisonnalisés Saisonbereinigt write out
. not seasonaly adjusted non désaisonnalisés Nicht saisonbereinigt write out


Type of concept English French German Note /usage
. index indice Index .
Index with reference period index (EU = 100) indice (EU = 100) Index (EU = 100) in titles; blanks before and after '='
. index (EU = 100) indice (EU = 100) Index (EU = 100) in publications; blanks before and after '='

Other items


English French German Note/usage
GDP PIB BIP not mandatory to spell it out
OECD OCDE OECD not mandatory to spell it out
ESA 2010 SEC 2010 ESVG 2010 specification of the version of the European System of Accounts should be at the end of the title, after an hyphen; not mandatory to spell out the acronym
ESA 95 SEC 95 ESVG 95 specification of the version of the European System of Accounts should be at the end of the title, after an hyphen; not mandatory to spell out the acronym
(aggregated groups) (groupes agrégés) (zusammengefasste Gruppen) use brackets
Main indicators Indicateurs principaux Hauptindikatoren .

Age and age classes

For all statistics referring to a specific age/age classes and with the AGE dimension not reported in the structure definition of the dataset, this information should be included in the title.


Two main cases have been identified:

  • The observational unit to which the statistics refer is in the title

The age is inserted within parenthesis immediately after the observational unit as shown in the following examples:

Wrong: Active population, aged 15-64 - annual averages
Correct: Active population (aged 15 to 64) - annual averages
Other examples:
Long-term unemployment rate, % of active population (aged 15 to 74)
Employed persons (aged 15 and over) by professional status
  • The observational unit to which the statistics refer is not in the title

The age is inserted along the observational unit and within parenthesis, at the end of the title.

At-risk-of-poverty rate by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 and over)
Transition of ability to make ends meet from childhood to current situation (population aged 25 to 59)

The age is always expressed as number.


In case of ambiguity (ex: for children, where the number may refer either to years or to months), the indication of the time period should also be reported.

Example: At-risk-of poverty rate for children (aged 0 to 17 years) by citizenship of their parents

Multi-lingual definition/example

Observation unit Example English French German Age group
Age < to a specific age < 18 aged less than 18 agé de moins de 18 im Alter von unter 18 0-17
Age within a specific range from 16 to 18, both included aged 16 to 18 agé de 16 à 18 im Alter von 16 bis 18 16-18
Age ≥ to a specific age ≥ 18 aged 18 and over agé de 18 et plus im Alter von 18 und mehr 18-…

Educational attainment (ISCED)

English French German Note/usage
educational attainment level niveau d'éducation atteint Bildungsabschluss No need to specify the ISCED version in the title

Information society statistics (ISOC)

English French German Note/usage
internet internet Internet EN and FR: capital letter at the beginning of a sentence

e-government, e-banking, etc.

commerce électronique,

administration en ligne, banque en ligne, etc.


E-Government, E-Banking, etc.

EN: 'e' capital at the beginning of a sentence; the letter following the '-' is always small. FR: French terms are used in place of English terms. DE: always capital letter for 'E' and after '-'.

See also