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Glossary:Internet advertising

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Targeted internet advertising focuses on using internet-based technologies that increase the likelihood of promotional marketing messages reaching the right audience. Targeted internet advertising includes dynamic ads using various methods such as online contextual advertising, behavioural targeting and geo-targeting as well as the use of static ads on subject-specific websites (e.g. displaying ads on spare parts of car engines on websites on vehicles or automotive themes) or websites such as online newspapers, magazines or blogs for specific audience.

Online contextual advertising is a type of targeted internet advertising that uses technologies embedded in websites and apps that choose ads based on the content of the web pages internet surfers view. Internet users are presented with adverts that automated systems (ad servers) have selected for them based on the content of the webpage they are browsing. Similarly, contextual advertising can be based on the specific keywords used in the user's latest query from the same device.

Behavioural targeting is a form of targeted internet advertising, based on information about users’ past browsing activities recorded by cookies. Businesses may use this information to determine whether an internet user belongs to a specific target audience, subsequently sending internet ads matching the user’s profile.

Geo-targeting is a type of targeted internet advertising that refers to the use of an internet user's geographic location such as the country, region, city and often zip code that provide useful information for targeting suitable advertisements, for example about restaurants nearby.

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