Statistics Explained

Foreign-born people and their descendants - facts and figures

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The publication Foreign-born people and their descendants – facts and figures is an online Eurostat publication based on data collected by Eurostat from the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) and from the ad-hoc module (with eight-yearly periodicity) of the EU-LFS on the labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants implemented in 2021.

Foreign-born people and their descendants A4 2022 v2.png

The publication focuses on the main characteristics of foreign-born people and their immediate descendants, educational attainment levels and skills in host country languages, labour market conditions, labour market indicators and levels of job satisfaction.

Table of contents

Main characteristics

Household composition

Labour market indicators

Employment conditions

Level of job satisfaction

Educational attainment level and skills in host country language

See also the online publication Migrant integration statistics - facts and figures for related articles.