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Glossary:European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)

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The European Neighbourhood Policy, abbreviated as ENP, was developed in 2004, with the objective of avoiding the emergence of new dividing lines between the enlarged European Union (EU) and its neighbours to the South and East.

Through the ENP, the EU offers its neighbours a privileged relationship, building upon a mutual commitment to common values (democracy and human rights, rule of law, good governance, market economy principles and sustainable development). The ENP goes beyond existing relationships to offer a deeper political relationship and economic integration. The central element of the European Neighbourhood Policy is the bilateral ENP Action Plans agreed between the EU and each partner. These plans set out an agenda of political and economic reforms with short and medium-term priorities.

With the Joint Declaration of the Prague Eastern Relationship Summit in May 2009, the EU and its eastern partners committed to a deeper bilateral engagement, the main goal of which will be to accelerate political association and further economic integration between the EU and interested partner countries through ‘New Association Agreements’.

The ENP-East countries comprise:

Armenia (AM) Belarus (BY) Georgia (GE)
Azerbaijan (AZ) Moldova (MD) Ukraine (UA)

The ENP-South countries are:

Algeria (DZ) Lebanon (LB) Syria (SY)
Egypt (EG) Libya (LY) Tunisia (TN)
Israel (IL) Morocco (MA)    
Jordan (JO) Palestine[1] (PS)    

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  1. This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.